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Sunday, January 31, 2021

January 31 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers


+Sally O. asks continued healing prayers for Harry following his medical procedure.
+We give thanks for those with birthdays this week: Ashlyn C. and Ben G.
+We are blessed this morning through the musical ministries of Don B. (song leader), Hannah G. (piano), Rich P. (vocal soloist), Suzanne P. (piano), and Alpha & Omega (postlude)We were also blessed by Belinda A. (video), Rebecca G. (liturgist), and Scott G. (slides).

+Bets D. asks prayers for her son-in-law's brother, Ralph, who is having health concerns.
+Skippy R. lifts up in prayer Linda B. who has begun hospice care.
+We remember in our prayers Steve M. following the death of his mother, Alice.
+Claudia M. asks prayers for her sister's husband for his upcoming surgery. Her sister is also in her last semester of law school!
+Joan C. asks for prayers for her friend Cheryl S. Her mother died yesterday after having suffered several strokes. She was 102+ years old.
+We lift up in prayer those facing a Covid-19 related illness, those supporting them, and those who are providing treatment. 
+We ask prayers for those facing economic uncertainty in the face of the ongoing pandemic. 

January 31 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements

+Explore justice issues in the Just Love Lenten Series, Sunday evenings through Lent: 5:30 – 6:45 p.m. starting on February 21. For more information, contact vitality@mtnskyumc.org. Presented by the Mountain Sky Conference Mission Team.

+The weekly virtual coffee/tea informal gathering is held each Wednesday @ 10:00 am.

+Lenten devotionals are now available at church in the narthex, outside the office, and in the kitchen. Church building is open during preschool hours. If you prefer to have your devotional delivered or mailed to you, please let the office know. Pastor Charles will also post devotionals daily on the church's blog beginning February 17 (Ash Wednesday).

+Please remember to send your gifts and offerings to support the ongoing ministries of St. Paul's UMC (Boulder) to Martha B.

January 31 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

Fra Angelico, 1442

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

Today’s Meditation Verse: “You sin against Christ if you sin against your brothers and sisters and hurt their weak consciences this way.” -- 1 Corinthians 8:12

Welcome—Pastor Charles

Prelude: “Abide with Me” (arranged by Jonathan Lee)— Suzanne P.

Call to Worship (The Rev. Thom Schuman)—Pastor Charles (Leader) and Rebecca G. (People) - (Congregation is encouraged to read People’s response aloud on mute setting)

Leader: Thinking we know all the answers, yet wondering if we haven’t missed something:

People: We enter this sanctuary of Truth.

Leader: In the company of sinners, in cahoots with saints:

People: We gather as God’s people.

Leader: Standing by folks of deep, abiding faith; seated with those who stumble through the Kingdom:

People: We lift our praise to God.

Hymn: This Is My Song Verses 1 & 2 led by Hannah G. and Don B. (Congregation is encouraged to sing along on mute setting; words and music will be provided onscreen)

Psalm 111Rebecca G. (Congregation is encouraged to read aloud on mute setting)

Praise the LordI thank the Lord with all my heart in the company of those who do right, in the congregation. The works of the Lord are magnificent; they are treasured by all who desire them. God’s deeds are majestic and glorious. God’s righteousness stands forever. God is famous for his wondrous works. The Lord is full of mercy and compassion. God gives food to those who honor him. God remembers his covenant forever. God proclaimed his powerful deeds to his people and gave them what had belonged to other nations. God’s handiwork is honesty and justice; all God’s rules are trustworthy— they are established always and forever: they are fulfilled with truth and right doing. God sent redemption for his people; God commanded that his covenant last forever. Holy and awesome is God’s name!  Fear of the    Lord is where wisdom begins; sure knowledge is for all who keep God’s laws. God’s praise lasts forever!

Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations—Pastor Charles

Pastoral Prayer/The Lord’s Prayer—Pastor Charles (Congregation is encouraged to pray The Lord’s Prayer aloud on mute setting)

Epistle Lesson: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13—Rebecca G.

Musical Offering: “The Call” (No. 4 of “Five Mystical Pieces” by Ralph Vaugh Williams)— Alan P. and Suzanne P.

Second Lesson: Mark 1:21-28—Pastor Charles

Sermon: “One word”—Pastor Charles

Hymn: Let There Be Peace on Earth” led by Hannah G. and Don B.

(Congregation is encouraged to sing along on mute setting; words and music will be provided onscreen)

Words for the Journey—Pastor Charles

Postlude: “As We Leave this Sacred Place” performed by Alpha & Omega

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Friday, January 29, 2021

Is The United Methodist Church involved in politics?

The people called Methodists have been actively involved in social and political matters from their founding in 18th century England. Methodists were among the primary advocates for the abolition of slavery across the British Empire, the organization of labor unions to protect workers from dangerous working conditions, the ending of the debtors prison system, and the creation of new systems of care for poor children. Given this heritage, Methodists have continued to advocate for other social or political issues since that time - women’s suffrage, temperance, civil rights, health care and care for the environment, to name a few. 

Today our United Methodist Social Creed and Social Principles express our commitment to fully participate in building a more peaceful and just world. 

Learn more about the United Methodist Church's commitment to fully participating in building a more peaceful and just world at this link.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Spiritual Formation in Today's World

Spiritual Formation in Today’s World: A One-Year Online Offering from The Academy for Spiritual Formation
 will be offered completely online using the Zoom platform. This experience will consist of four, three-day sessions with one faculty person each session. 

Read more at this link.

Session 1: Meeting God in Our Longing
February 25-27, 2021 (Thurs – Sat)
Faculty: Amy Oden

Session 2: Meeting God in Our Healing
May 20-22, 2021 (Thurs – Sat)
Faculty: Safiyah Fosua

Session 3: Meeting God in Our Reconciling
August 19-21, 2021 (Thurs – Sat)
Faculty: Ray Buckley

Session 4: Meeting God in Our Justice-Seeking
November 4-6, 2021 (Thurs – Sat)
Faculty: Luther Smith

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The enviromental legacy of Rich M.

During last Sunday's Mission Moment, Claudia M. shared about the legacy of her husband, Rich, in a moving tribute to one man's work to make the world a little bit better. You can view this sharing at this link.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Invitation for Church & Society symposium

 January 26 - 6:00 am - 10:30 MST

Register at this link.

This week @ St. Paul's UMC

10:00 am, Virtual Coffee/Tea (Join at this link)
7:15 pm, Philosophy of Religion discussion group (virtual)

5:00 pm, Facebook Live with Bishop Oliveto

10:00 am, Virtual Worship

Scripture lessons for January 31

We are wrapping up the first month of 2021 with readings from 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 and Mark 1:21-28.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 24 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers

+Belinda A. lifts the up blessings of the congregation's giving to EFAA.
+Sally O. gives thanks for Harry's healing.
+We give thanks for those with birthdays this week: Dennis H.
+We are blessed this morning through the musical ministries of Don B. (song leader), Hannah G. (piano), and Louise C. (piano)We were also blessed by Belinda A. (video), Scott Glancy (slides), Rebecca G. (liturgist), and Claudia M. (Mission Moment).

+Angela B. asks for prayers for her medical procedure this week. 
+Steve M. lifts up his mom who has a mild case of Covid-19.
+Skippy R. lifts up in prayer Linda B. who continues to have health concerns.
+Bob M. asks prayers for his dad and those at the rehab center who in lockdown due to Covid-19 concerns.
+Belinda A. asks for continued prayers for our nation.
+Pastor Charles lifts up the families of two Mountain Sky Conference retired pastors following their recent deaths: the Rev. Jim George, Jr.  who served UMC congregations in New Jersey and Colorado and the Rev. Jack Richards, who served as an AF chaplain and had ministries in Colorado.
+We lift up in prayer those facing a Covid-19 related illness, those supporting them, and those who are providing treatment. 
+We ask prayers for those facing economic uncertainty in the face of the ongoing pandemic. 

January 24 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements

+Explore justice issues and live into Beloved Community Sunday evenings through Lent: 5:30 – 6:45 p.m. starting  on February 21. For more information, contact vitality@mtnskyumc.org. Presented by the Mountain Sky Conference Mission Team.

+The weekly virtual coffee/tea informal gathering is held each Wednesday @ 10:00 am.

+Be sure to view our web calendar to see the latest activities being offered through various virtual platforms. 

+Please remember to send your gifts and offerings to support the ongoing ministries of St. Paul's UMC (Boulder) to Martha B.

January 24 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

Third Sunday after the Epiphany

Today’s Meditation Verse: Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

Welcome—Pastor Charles

Prelude: “Oh God Our Help in Ages Past” — Louise C.

Call to Worship (Psalm 62:5-8)—Pastor Charles (Leader) and Rebecca G. (People) - Congregation is encouraged to read People’s response aloud on mute setting

Leader: Oh, I must find rest in God only, because my hope comes from God! People: Only God is my rock and my salvation—my stronghold!—I will not be shaken. Leader: My deliverance and glory depend on God. God is my strong rock. My refuge is in God. People: All you people: Trust in God at all times! Pour out your hearts before God! God is our refuge!            

Hymn: “When Morning Gilds the Sky” Verses 1 & 2  Hannah G. and Don B. -Congregation is encouraged to sing along on mute setting; words and music will be provided onscreen

A Prayer of Jonah (Jonah 2:2-9)— Rebecca G. Congregation is encouraged to read aloud on mute setting

“I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, and He answered me. Out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and You heard my voice. For You cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, And the floods surrounded me; all Your billows and Your waves passed over me. Then I said, ‘I have been cast out of Your sight; Yet I will look again toward Your holy temple.’ The waters surrounded me, even to my soul; the deep closed around me; Weeds were wrapped around my head. I went down to the moorings of the mountains; the earth with its bars closed behind me forever; Yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O Lord, my God. When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; and my prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple. Those deceived by worthless things lose their chance for mercy.

But me, I will offer a sacrifice to you with a voice of thanks. That which I have promised, I will pay. Deliverance belongs to the Lord!”

Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations—Pastor Charles

Pastoral Prayer/The Lord’s Prayer—Pastor Charles - Congregation is encouraged to pray The Lord’s Prayer aloud on mute setting

Gospel Lesson: Mark 1:14-20—Rebecca G.

Musical Offering: “The Gift of Love” — Louise C.

Second Lesson: Jonah 3:1-5, 10—Pastor Charles

Sermon: “As simple as that?”—Pastor Charles

Celebration of Ministry: “Rich Wahl’s Legacy of Environmental Activism” — Claudia M.

Hymn: Fairest Lord Jesus Verses 1 & 2 — Hannah G. and Don B. Congregation is encouraged to sing along on Mute setting; words and music will be provided onscreen

Words for the Journey—Pastor Charles

Postlude: “On Eagle’s Wings” Louise C.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

UMCOR appeal

We pray for and with the people of Indonesia in the wake of a series of deadly disasters, including flooding, landslides, an earthquake and volcanic activity. For communities mourning those who have died, those who remain missing and those who are displaced from home, we stand in solidarity and offer prayers of comfort and healing in such an overwhelming time.

UMCOR is in communication with partners on the ground, identifying tangible ways to be of assistance.

Join us in support of International Disaster Response at this link.  

Friday, January 22, 2021

Nuclear Weapons are Illegal Now

From the General Board of Church and Society:

This week will be historic: nuclear weapons will be illegal under international law.

Today, January 22, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will enter into force. Nuclear weapons will become illegal under international law.

This day is the culmination of over a decade of advocacy to ban nuclear weapons. The General Board of Church and Society, worked in partnership with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, other faith groups, and over 135 nations to adopt the treaty in 2017.

The new treaty bans nations from developing, producing, using or threatening to use nuclear weapons, or storing nuclear weapons on their lands.

The United Methodist Church supports the abolition of nuclear weapons. The Book of Resolutions states “We reject the possession of nuclear weapons as a permanent basis for securing and maintaining peace.” (#6129, “The United Methodist Church and Peace”)

Lay Servant Ministries class

Course Registration & Certification History for Certifying or Renewing as Lay Servants, Lay Speakers, or Personal Enrichment 2021.

                         Accountable Discipleship on ZOOM for 5 weeks
 Tuesdays, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm     
February 2, 9, 16, 23, & March 2
The instruction and ZOOM technology will be handled by Susan Yeager and Ellie Young. You will need to obtain the book in advance. Cokesbury or Amazon can be good sources for 
Accountable Discipleship by Steven W. Manskar  for $15.00.

This course is the prerequisite for the course titled Class Leaders, which will be taught sometime after Accountable Discipleship in case you want to take both classes.

Contact Clarice Moore for more information at 970-456-5193 or grandmaof2.243@gmail.com

Send registration to:  Clarice Moore, 243 McCarron Circle, Apt. 1, Rifle, CO 81650.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

We're building on Flickr!

St. Paul's UMC Flickr page is growing with 730 photos posted to date! Stop by today and have a look at what we're all about! 

Be sure to look at the albums page to see photos grouped by topic. We have collections of various activities and ministries of St. Paul's UMC, Mountain Sky Conference / Peaks & Pikes Peak District, United Methodist Church history, and all of the UMC congregations named St. Paul's/St. Pauls/St. Paul in the USA!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

United Methodist Bishops congratulate President Biden and Vice President Harris

January 20, 2021

On behalf of the more than 12 million United Methodists throughout the world, the Bishops of The United Methodist Church congratulate former Vice President Joe Biden on his inauguration as the 46th President of the United States.

We also offer our congratulations to Senator Kamala Harris on her historic swearing in as the first female and first person of color to the office of Vice President of the United States.

We pray that President Biden and Vice President Harris will embrace the core values of their election to serve all people regardless of their political views.

We thank all who faithfully participated in the election process at all levels in order to sustain the democratic process. May God continue to bless all local, national, and world leaders with wisdom and sober judgment as they fulfill the trust and obligations afforded to them by the people of the world.

Prayers for Innaguration Day

Opening Psalm Prayer: Though the world shakes us and life overwhelms us, You are our help, our strength. You still our hearts and turn us and the whole earth toward peace. You are our refuge, 0 God. Amen. (Psalm 46, Upper Room Worshipbook)

Prayers for the Nation: Look graciously, O Lord, upon this land. Where it is in pride, subdue it. Where it is in need, supply it. Where it is in error, rectify it. Where it is in default, restore it. And where it holds to that which is just and compassionate, support it. Amen. (UM Book of Worship 515, Church of Pakistan)
God of all the ages, in Your sight nations rise and fall, and pass-through times of peril. Now when our land is troubled, be near to judge and save. May leaders be led by Your wisdom; may they search Your will and see it clearly. If we have turned from Your way, reverse our ways, and help us to repent. Give us Your light and Your truth, let them guide us; through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of this world, and our Savior. Amen. (UM BOW 517, Presbyterian Church USA Worshipbook)
Prayers of Intercession:
Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayers:
For President Joe Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, and their family;
For Vice President Kamala Harris, Douglas Emhoff, and their family;
For Former President Donald Trump, Melania Trump, and their family;
For Former Vice-President Mike Pence, Karen Pence, and their family;
For members of the United States Senate and their staffs;
For members of the United States House of Representatives and their staffs;
For state and local government leaders;
For law enforcement officers and our military;
For reconciliation, peace, and unity;
For the healing of our nation;
(Others as the Holy Spirit brings to mind. )
Gospel Reading: John 15:9-14... As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you."
Prayer of Confession: Almighty and merciful God, we know that when we offend another, we offend You. We are aware that we have often allowed the shadow of hate to cloud our souls, hiding the light from our unseeing eyes. We have said unpleasant and hurtful things to our brothers and sisters when they failed to live up to our expectations. Grant that we might find that spark of love that ever bums within us, the love that You have shown to us even when we failed You. Fan the embers of that love until it roars again in flames of love, peace, and reconciliation. Forgive us our sins and help us to forgive those who have sinned against us. Lead us into new life through Your Son Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of all. Amen. (UM BOW 481, Michael J. O'Donnell).
For God's Reign: We believe in You, O God, for You have made the suffering of humanity Your suffering. You have come to establish a kingdom of the poor and humble. Today we sing to You, because You are alive, You have saved us, You have made us free. Amen. (UM BOW 511, Cuba).
Closing Prayer for Unity: Holy Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You have called us to be united together as Your Body as a witness to a divided world. Remind us that Your ways are not our ways. Let those who follow Your Son Jesus Christ be a peaceable people in the midst of conflict and division. Send Your Spirit of peace, justice, and freedom upon us, break down the walls of political partisanship, and make us one; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Lord bless and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord tum His face toward you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)