(Click on the pictures to make them larger)

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sheltering in Love with UMCOR

The power of connection has never been more important than it is today. Let’s stand together during this time of crisis.

Join UMCOR - United Methodist Committee On Relief in an expanded effort to assist vulnerable communities through gifts to the UMCOR COVID-19 Response Fund.

GIVE NOW: bit.ly/3cTq7CD

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A busy morning

Sandra readies another load
Suzanne, Terri, and Sandra at work
Jerry tackles the job
The finished look
Thanks to Jerry Beiber, Louise Cook, Austin Cooper, Peg & Don Fritschel, Terri Himes, Sandra Jordan, Suzanne Polacek, and Pastor Charles for continuing the work on the outside of the church. A lot of effort has yielded an attractive exterior for the neighborhood to enjoy!

Wednesday with the Wesleys

Listen to the hymn at the link shown below,

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Advocacy amid the pandemic

UMC Building on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC
This pandemic, like many so-called natural disasters, has laid bare the pre-existing injustices upon which our social, economic, and political structures have been built. Both the impacts of and responses to this public health crisis are deeply intertwined with the human-created systems of racism, xenophobia, ableism, and economic exploitation.

Read more at this link.

Monday, April 27, 2020

This week @ St. Paul's

All of St. Paul's UMC in-person activities are cancelled until further notice in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


11:00 am, Ecumenical Advocacy Days online


9:30 am-11:30 am, Trustees outside workday
10:00 am, Virtual coffee/tea gathering
11:30 am, Church vitality zoominar 

10:00 am, Virtual worship w/ communion
11:30 am, Finance Committee (via Zoom)

Scripture lessons for May 3

The scripture lessons as we begin the month of May come from Psalm 23 and Acts 2:2-47.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Native American Ministries Sunday

From Bishop Oliveto:

"Today I learned about the first positive COVID-19 patient in the Blackfeet Nation. In other reservations across our conference, COVID-19 is hitting hard and crippling the health care systems in the reservations. And today, in The United Methodist Church, is Native American Ministries Sunday." 

Your donation to this fund allows the Mountain Sky Conference's Committee on Native American Ministry  (CONAM) to fulfill its mission to create opportunities to bring people together and build authentic relationships with Native Americans for justice, healing and wholeness.
  • 10 percent – Native American Ministries at the General Church level
  • 20 percent – Navajo Nation Covid-19 response
  • 70 percent – Stay in our Conference for continual support of Native American Ministries (CONAM)

  • Give generously at this link.

April 26 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers

Janet Brooks-Gerloff, 1992
+Wednesday's Zoom coffee/tea gathering continues to attract a lively group each week.
+We were able to help someone this week from our food pantry.
+Charles A. and others sharing art supplies for Senior Citizens.
+Angela B. lifts up her students, especially those who are struggling, and all students who are completing their studies.
+Those able to get care now that the stay-at-home orders are being relaxed.
+Claudia M. is grateful to be creating through writing again.
+We are blessed with the flowers of springtime.
+Steve B. said Joey R.'s cat, "Pickles," that was lost for two weeks has been found, needed some care but is returning home.
+Louise C. Thanks to Trustees for hard work making church grounds look great.
+Those who are dealing with the impact of the virus including those facing health concerns, economic anxiety, or other disruptions of life.
+The Owen's lift up their grandaughter, Parker, who broke her elbow and needs surgery.
+Today is the first anniversary of the passing of Belinda's mother, Sheila.
+Louise C. a co-worker and her family driving to Alabama for her mother's funeral.  Traveling mercies, comfort & support as they grieve during this COVID-19.

April 26 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements

+All programs and events of St. Paul's UMC are cancelled until further notice. The church office is also closed in keeping with official health directions.

+In keeping with current City of Boulder, State of Colorado, and Mountain Sky Conference recommendations, St. Paul's UMC worship will continue in its Zoom format for the month of May. 

+You are invited to join us each Wednesday morning @ 10:00 am, for a virtual coffee/tea informal gathering via Zoom. Join Zoom at this link.

+The Mountain Sky Conference is offering Vital Conversations each Wednesday morning at 11:30 am. This week's conversation is "New Ministry with the Rev. Rachel Gilmore -  Director of Recruiting, Assessing & Training for Church Planting with Path 1​." Visit this link to take part in this free offering.

+On May 3 (10:00 AM), we will celebrate as God's people in a unique offering of Holy Communion. Please have on hand some form of bread/cracker (can be any type or style) for each person present and something to drink (doesn't have to be grape juice). Following the morning message, Pastor Charles will lead us through an abbreviated Great Thanksgiving.

+Today is Native American Ministries Sunday! Gifts given toward this special offering strengthen and equip Native American rural, urban and reservation congregations, ministries and communities.
Your support of this offering in years past is now helping to strengthen Native communities during the COVID-19 pandemic: READ MORE: bit.ly/2VScL2s

+Please remember to send your gifts and offerings to support the ongoing ministries of St. Paul's UMC to Martha Batch.

+Be sure to view our calendar to see the latest activities being offered through various virtual platforms.

April 26 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

This is the day the Lord has made!
Today’s Meditation Verse: “They said to each other, ‘Weren’t our hearts on fire when He spoke to us along the road and when He explained the scriptures to us?’” – Luke 24:32

WelcomePastor Charles                    

Call to Worship (from Psalm 116:1,19)Pastor Charles (Leader) and Amy (“People”) (You are encouraged to read People’s response aloud on mute setting)

Leader: We love the Lord because God hears our requests for mercy.
People: We’ll call out to God as long as we live because God listens closely to us. Leader: We’ll keep the promises we made to the Lord in the presence of all God’s people,        People: In the courtyards of the Lord’s house, which is the center of Jerusalem. Praise the Lord!

Special Music (from the Archives): Hymn of Promise” (Jubilante Ringers, February 16, 2020)
Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations
Pastoral prayer
The Lord’s Prayer (You are encouraged to pray along (aloud) on Mute setting)

Epistle Lesson: 1 Peter 1:17-23
Second Lesson: Acts 2:14a, 36-41                                            
Message: “Do you believe it now?”
Celebration of Ministry--Scott Glancy (Newsletter from Mozart Adevu)
Congregational Prayer (From The UMC Book of Worship, #566)
(You are encouraged to read aloud on mute setting)

God be in your head, and in your understanding.
God be in your eyes, and in your looking.
God be in your mouth, and in your speaking.
God be in your heart, and in your thinking.
God be at your end, and at your departing.
(Sarum Liturgy, England, 13th Century)           

Words for the Journey

Reminder: Gifts and tithes can be sent directly to Martha Batch. Contributions to the PATH Fund can be marked “PATH Fund” in the memo line.

Thanks to Amy Abshire for being our liturgist this month. Thanks also to Scott Glancy for his technical support this morning.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Ecumenical Advocacy Days Online: Imagine! God’s Earth and People Restored

Join us for a zoom webinar that will inspire and prepare us to take action online with Members of Congress. Together, we will call on Congress to address the intersections between climate justice and the current global health crisis.

Monday, April 27 @ 11:00 am.

Please visit this link to register.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Hymn for Arbor Day

Hymn for Arbor Day by Samuel F. Smith,
 the author of "My Country Tis of Thee," and to be sung to the same tune.
Joy for the sturdy trees,
Fanned by each fragrant breeze,
Lovely they stand!
The songbirds o'er them trill;
They shade each tinkling rill;
They crown each swelling hill;
Lowly or grand.

Plant them by stream and way,
Plant them where the children play
And toilers rest.
In every verdant vale,
On every sunny swale—
Whether to grow or fail,
God knoweth best.

Select the strong, the fair;
Plant them with earnest care;
No toil is vain.
Plant in a fitter place,
Where, like a lovely face,
Let in some sweeter grace,
Change may prove gain.

God will His blessing send,
All things on Him depend,
His loving care
Clings to His leaf and flower,
Like ivy to its tower,
His presence and His power
Are everywhere.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

UMW Faith Talks: Grief

These past few weeks have been heavy with the weight of the COVID-19 health crisis and mourning the loss of loved ones or our normal way of being. We’re all experiencing some level of grief or deep sorrow, but do we understand how to pause to grieve?

On April 23 at Noon, join the UMW for a #FaithTalks on grief. The gathering will discuss the five stages of grief, what the Bible says about grief, and ways we can support one another. The moderator will interview Dr. Trudy Corry Rankin, a mental health practitioner; the Rev. Dionne P. Boissière, Chaplain of the Church Center for the United Nations; Andris Salter, UMW Associate General Secretary; and the Rev. Jes Kast, a pastor in the United Church of Christ.

The talk will occur via Zoom Video Conference. You can register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iRlBKq3rQCanUoyAt90YOQ 

If you have questions you’d like addressed during the chat, please email them to jenniferr@spotlightpr.org.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Still work to be done!

Peg and Suzanne know what needs to be done
Suzanne clears out around the tulips
Austin and Terri tend to the plants
Thanks to Trustees Austin Cooper, Peg & Don Fritschel, Terri Himes, & Suzanne Polacek for coming out (with appropriate distance/PPE) to get some outside tasks done at our church building.

Wednesday with the Wesleys

Earth Day @ & The United Methodist Church

The postponement of General Conference also postpones consideration of the revised Social Principles. However, in honor of Earth Day, we wanted to share this video of how the Social Principles call all United Methodists to care for our planet.

A Special Earth Day Video

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"Just Energy 4 All" Zoominar

In the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the work of advocating for economic and environmental justice remains just as important as ever. Given that this year is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, we are particularly mindful of the ways in which we, as people of faith, can fulfill God’s call to love the Earth and all her communities. That is why United Methodist Women invites you to join with us in the work of advancing just energy for all centered on justice and equity this Earth Day. 

On April 23rd, the day after Earth Day, United Methodist Women will be kicking off our Just Energy for All 101 webinar series.   REGISTER NOW  

Join us at 3:30 PM ET on April 23, May 7, and May 21 to learn more about the why and what of UMW's Just Energy for All campaign. Each 75-minute webinar will include a presentation, break-out sessions, and an opportunity to connect with other UMW members. If you have not already participated in a Just Energy for All training, please register today.  

·  Session 1 (4/23): Why Just Energy for All: We will begin with biblical reflection on one of the most famous passages of scripture and explore how well we are caring for God's creation. 
·  Session 2 (5/7): What is Just Energy for All: We will examine what just energy is or is not, what we mean by just transition and equity, and dig into US and our personal energy-consumption patterns. 
·  Session 3 (5/21): How do we advance Just Energy for All: We will examine how we as United Methodist Women can be part of advocating for energy that is cleaner and more just for God's people and creation at the national, state and local level. 

Earth Day Celebration Tomorrow

'The Fierce Urgency of Now': 
A Prophetic Call for Climate Justice

Join ecumenical faith leaders for a time of prayer, song, and reflection as we gather on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. 

Wednesday @ 10:00 am.

Visit this link to register.

Let's talk about good grief

This week on April 22, we welcome Joe Primo, the CEO of Good Grief and a leading voice on grief, mourning and building resilience in children, families, and communities in the face of loss and adversity. 

You must register: http://ow.ly/EuKk50zjoQp

Monday, April 20, 2020

A virtual potluck with art!

Tonight's virtual potluck with folk from across the Mountain Sky Conference included discussion centered on two of Pastor Charles' paintings.
​Et Pervestigationis Studioso (Resurgence)
Kallion kirkon kellosävel​ (The Bells of Kallio Church)

It's time for a (virtual) potluck!

Join UM's from across the Mountain Sky Conference for a virtual potluck today at 5:30pm! Pastor Charles will help us see a new view of the resurrection through two of his paintings. Fill up your plate, turn on zoom and join us for some great kitchen table talk!  https://zoom.us/j/91183953664

This week @ St. Paul's UMC

All of St. Paul's UMC in-person activities are cancelled until further notice in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


5:30 pm, Virtual Conference Potluck


5:00 pm, Drew Theological Seminary webinar w/ Bishop Oliveto 

7:00 pm, We are Mountain Sky webinar, #4

Wednesday: 50th anniversary of Earth Day

10:00 am, Virtual coffee/tea gathering
11:30 am, Church vitality zoominar 

Noon, Faith Talks: Grief zoominar
1:30 pm, Just Energy 4 All zoominar

Friday: Arbor Day

Sunday: Native American Ministries Sunday
10:00 am, Virtual worship