Background: From Despair to Hope

Today our world is facing crises on an unprecedented scale: war, genocide, poverty, hunger, disease, and global warming. Saddened by the state of the world, overwhelmed by the scope of these problems, and anxious about the future, we believe God calls us and equips us to respond.

Harsh economic conditions have made it impossible for the world’s poor to break the ongoing cycle of despair and exploitation. The disparity between rich and poor has grown. Global financial improvement has not affected many of those living on the margins of society.

Ongoing wars and intractable conflicts and political strife and repressive conditions have led to the disregard for international law and the breakdown of international cooperation. Human rights continue to be violated and disregarded. These and related changes taking place in our global community diminish our hope for potential future reductions in military expenditures. Global military spending, totaling $1.75 trillion in 2013 (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Yearbook), drains resources of money and talent that might be used for meeting urgent social needs, long-term sustainable social and human development, and protecting God’s creation.

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