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Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 26 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers


+Claudia celebrates her loved ones (David, Gregory, and Natalie) joining us in worship.

+Angela gave thanks for her sister-in-law and niece who stayed with George while she was out of town and for George's friend Charles Gatley who has been attentive and helpful during George's recovery.

+We are thankful for this week's birthdays: Jerry Cantril and Doris Steiner. We also give thanks for this week's anniversary: Dennis & Marcia Hult.

+We give thanks for those participating today: Sandy Bainbridge (greeter), Lylah Bishop (acolyte), Tim Cook (class), Rebecca Glancy (liturgist), Etta Levitt (Zoom usher), Kathy Lloyd (Zoom host), Claudia Mills (message), and Hyeji Miranda (piano).


+Claudia asked for prayers the safety of the runners in the Bolder Boulder.

+Scott asked for prayers for Aliya, a PATH fund client who is searching to a stable roommate to help with rent and who is starting housekeeping services.

+Prayers for healing sought for Steve B. following a hospital stay.

+Tim asked for prayers for those who live in the path of recent summer storms and tornadoes.

+Myrle shared that Jerry has moved to Balfour and that today is his 85th birthday.

+Claudia lifted up the people in Gaza, Sudan, Myanmar, and Haiti.

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