The Mountain Sky Conference engages in community, ecumenical, and interfaith partnerships to mutually strengthen ministries and initiatives. These include state-wide coalitions, associations and community organizations we relate to as a result of the relationships from our legacy conferences. Some of these organizations have deep United Methodist roots. The United Methodist Mountain Sky Conference shares many common values and initiatives, including but not limited to the elimination of racism, gender equality, justice topics, creation care, services to children and youth, and so much more.
We invite you to learn about these organizations and explore our common interests and work. Most offer additional leadership, topical resources and host events to enhance our common understanding, identify needs and facilitate collaboration. Many welcome volunteers. Contact the specific organization to find out what kind of volunteer projects they might have.
Who They Are
Family Promise Salt Lake City—To help combat homelessness, Family Promise Salt Lake has various congregations take turns opening their doors and providing temporary shelter to four families at a time using a rotation network. This unique shelter model mobilizes existing resources within the faith community to take a hands-on approach to homelessness. We’re happy to say that, since 1995, we’ve served 800 families over more than 300,000 volunteer hours. Read more.
The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado—The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado promotes justice, religious liberty, and interfaith understanding by building relationships in order to educate, advocate and catalyze social change. The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado was founded in 1998 by a group of faith leaders from multiple backgrounds who were frustrated that their diverse faith voices were not being represented in the public sphere—specifically in politics or media. Read more.
Intermountain of Montana—Intermountain works to build a supportive environment promoting healthy change and growth. Working with others, Intermountain programs aim to improve society’s ability to provide prevention, protection, treatment and permanency for all struggling children, youth, and families. In-school, residential and support services make up the services offered in multiple sites in Montana. Read more.
Wyoming Interfaith Network— WIN welcomes you to the conversation about, to and for the Holy. WIN applies its religious conviction and commitment to living faithfully and justly in the world—faithful to the wisdom of our various faith community traditions, justly in the messiness of daily living. In a time when our culture seeks to hunker down on opposite sides, we invite people into meaningful conversations in the bonds of peace. Read more.
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