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Sunday, December 1, 2024

December 1 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

Ready for the season
Bringing the Chrismons forward

Going to great heights

Let's get the season started!

First Sunday of Advent

Today’s Meditation Verse: “Make Your ways known to me, Lord; teach me Your paths.” —Psalm 25:4 (CEB)

Welcome...Pastor Charles

Prelude...Kyle Dacon

Lighting the Advent Candle...Bob and Melanie Muckle

First Reader: Mary hears from God—we are waiting. We are frustrated and tired. So much of our world seems caught in turmoil. Many are caught in turmoil not of their own making. The darkness closes in on us. Where is the hope?

Second Reader: In the darkness, God lights the first candle of Advent. The divine word is sent to a young teen in a little land in the Mideast. “I’m going to being a new life into the world, to bring about change, to offer love and salvation.” What will be her answer? We wait with bated breath.

First Reader: “Let is happen as you say, O God. May the fruit of my womb bring good news to us all.” Light the first candle on the Advent wreath.

Prayer: As You brought the word of hope to Mary and through her to our world, rekindle anew in us this season a sense of hope as we prepare to celebrate Your nativity. Amen.

—Before the Amen, Maren Tirabassi & Maria Tirabassi, 2007

*Hymn...“Hail to the Lord’s Anointed” (UMH #203)

Canticle of Light and Darkness (#205)...Bob Muckle

Gospel Lesson: Luke 21:25-36...Bob Muckle

Choral Anthem...“God Be In My Head” by Andrea Ramsey

Prayer concerns/ celebrations / Pastoral Prayer...Pastor Charles

Mission Moment...Claudia Mills / Mitten Tree

Epistle Lesson: 1 Thessalonians 3:9-1...Pastor Charles

Sermon...Pastor Charles / “The purpose of Advent”

Communion / The Lord’s Prayer 

Announcement of our new pastor...Larry Esposito

*Hymn...“People Look East” (UMH #202)

*Words for the Journey...Pastor Charles

Postlude... Kyle Dacon

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