(Click on the pictures to make them larger)

Monday, August 31, 2020

This week @ St. Paul's UMC

1:00 pm, Virtual Memorial Team meeting

10:00 am, Virtual Coffee/Tea
11:00 am, QPR Suicide Prevention Training/Mental First Aid zoominar
(Register at this link)

11:45 am, Ladies Lunch Bunch (church lawn)

10:00 am, Virtual Worship
11:00 am, Virtual Youth Group
6:00 pm, Pilgrimage to the Land of Love Zoominar (Register at this link)

Scripture lessons for September 6

("The Risen Lord" by He Qi)

Our scripture lessons for the first Sunday in September come from Romans 13:8-14 and Matthew 18:15-20.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

August 30 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements


+In keeping with current City/County of Boulder, State of Colorado, and Mountain Sky Conference guidance, all in-person programs and events of St. Paul's UMC are cancelled until further notice. 

+If you would like to make a donation to thank The Pic and Bow for their musical contribution, please send a check to Martha B., made out to St. Paul's, and write The Pic and Bow in the memo line.

+You are invited to join us each Wednesday morning @ 10:00 am, for a virtual coffee/tea informal gathering via Zoom. Join our gathering at this link.

+Vital Conversations, Wednesday at 11:30 am. This week will hear about QPR Suicide Prevention Training/Mental First Aid. Register at this link

+Ladies Lunch Bunch, Thursday at 11:45 am. Bring your lunch, a mask, and a chair and enjoy social distance fellowship on the church lawn.

+The Pilgrimage to the Land of Love is a spiritual journey with fellow Mountain Sky Conference members as we together expand our understanding of racism in our lives and our world. Starting Sunday, Sept. 6, we will be the Gathering of Those Embarking on the Pilgrimage (What to Expect and Remember your Baptism). We will spend 21 days of reading, viewing and engaging in anti-racism resources. On Oct. 5, we will start another 21 days, and finally on Nov. 2, another 21 days. Every Sunday at 6pm there will a Zoom meeting for debriefing and sharing. May our journey together help further Beloved Community in our churches, communities, nation and world! Register at this link.

+Be sure to view our calendar to see the latest activities being offered through various virtual platforms. More information is available on our blog.

+Please remember to send your gifts and offerings to support the ongoing ministries of St. Paul's UMC (Boulder) to Martha B.

August 30 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers

+We give thanks for this week's birthdays: Mark L.
+Steve M.'s mom has had great news from Medicaid.
+Skippy R. says that Joyce B. and Linda B. are continuing to heal.
+Claudia M. reports the joy of a visit to the Denver Botanical Gardens.
+Dennis & Marcia H. are out of isolation at Fraser Meadows.
+Marcia H. was happy to share last Monday's Zoom virtual dinner circle.
+Sally & Harry O. had a wonderful 50th anniversary.

+Those who are dealing with the impact of the pandemic including those facing health concerns, economic anxiety, or other disruptions of life. 
+Lifting up in prayers those affected by the pervasive nature of racism in our society.
+We learned this past week of the death of St. Paul's member, Maurine M.   
+We pray for those affected by Hurricane Laura.  
+Prayers for everyone impacted by active wildfires in Colorado. 
+ Prayers for the family and community of long-time Stratton UMC member Dorothy Smith Brown who died Tuesday, August 4 at the age of 107.                  
+Louise C.'s sister has had a health setback.
+Michele M. asks for prayers for her mom, Naomi, who has health concerns.

August 30 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

13th Sunday after Pentecost 

Today’s Meditation Verse: “Love should be shown without pretending. Hate evil, and hold onto what is good.” --Romans 12:9

Welcome—Pastor Charles

Call to Worship (Psalm 105:4-6a)—Pastor Charles (Leader) and Amy A. (People) - (Congregation is encouraged to read people’s response aloud on mute setting)

Leader: Give praise to God’s holy name!        

People: Let the hearts rejoice of all those seeking the Lord! Leader: Seek the Lord’s face always!                                                                                     People: Remember the wondrous works God has done, all the Lord’s marvelous works, and the justice God declared.


Set Forth Before Our Eyes (Charles Wesley) – Amy A. (Congregation is encouraged to read aloud on mute setting)

Set forth before our eyes, As fastened to the tree
The Lord of earth and skies, Th’eternal God we see,
God over all in form of man, Jehovah for His creatures slain!

Who call Thy death to mind, Let us its virtues prove,
The Lover of mankind, The Friend of sinners love,
Whose death is immortality, Is glorious life, and Heaven to me.

Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations—Pastor Charles

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer—Pastor Charles

(Congregation is encouraged to pray The Lord’s Prayer aloud on mute setting)

Epistle Lesson: Romans 12:9-21—Amy A.

Musical Offering: There is a Fountain” by The Pic and Bow                             

Gospel Lesson: Matthew 16:21-28—Pastor Charles

Sermon: “How heavy is your cross?”– Pastor Charles

Words for the Journey—Pastor Charles

Postlude - Alpha & Omega video

Reminder: Gifts and tithes can be sent directly to Martha B., contributions to the PATH Fund can be marked “PATH Fund” in the memo line. 

Saturday, August 29, 2020

What would Wesley think?

WWWT? What would Wesley think? 

What would John Wesley think about how United Methodists should be dealing with critical issues of our time?

It may be a stretch for any of us to pretend to know what a person who died 229 years ago on March 2, 1791, would have to say on contemporary issues of consequence or even believe that Wesley’s posthumous wisdom would be heeded. But I think we can deduce Wesley’s thoughts based on his writings, which include 400 volumes of sermons, notes, commentary, and correspondence. Many of the books written by John Wesley are still available in print. There are also many informative books about Wesley by authors interested in his life.

Under John Wesley’s leadership, Methodism grew from a small group of devoted believers into a global movement for Christ. The clear imprint of John Wesley’s spiritual ideas and personal devotion to the gospel of Jesus is still discernable in the organization, people, and spirit of the Church.

Just as Jews, Muslims, and Christians still honor the wisdom of biblical ancestors and Americans still seek guidance from our national founders, it can be fruitful to approach today’s challenges with advice from Methodism’s visionary founder.

Read more at this link.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Join the Mountain Sky Pilgrimage to the Land of Love

Screenshot from Bishop Oliveto video

Share Bishop Oliveto's Pilgrimage invitation from YouTube

Humankind throughout the ages have taken pilgrimages to sacred sites, often unknown and foreign, to go in search of new or expanded meaning about themselves, others, or a higher good. It can lead to transformation which the pilgrim integrates into their daily life when they return.

Christians, when they were unable to make a pilgrimage to the holy land, even used labyrinths as a pilgrimage tool.

I am inviting all the laity and clergy of the Mountain Sky Conference to join me and others across our area on a pilgrimage. You don’t need to leave home for it. All you need to do is set aside some time each day so that together, we can take a Pilgrimage to the Land of Love.

We stand at an important moment as we are brought to a deeper awareness of the high price of racism. We are seeing the toll it takes on persons of color and how racism defiles the beautiful image of God each person possesses.

As disciples of Jesus, it is time for us to address this, first by beginning with ourselves.

It is written in Psalm 139:

Investigate my life, O God,
    find out everything about me;
Cross-examine and test me,
    get a clear picture of what I’m about;
See for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong —
    then guide me on the road to eternal life.

For me, the imperative to doing an inward inventory of not only the ways I sustain racist systems and structures, but the ways I benefit from them and especially how I, too, am a racist, even unwittingly, is a demand of discipleship: I follow a Jesus who was a boundary crosser, exposing racist, sexist, classist ideologies and commanding us to overturn them by calling us to increase our love of God and neighbor. Not some of our neighbors. But everyone in every place on this earth.

Starting on Sept. 6, when we will all gather as pilgrims, we will journey together each day as we receive text or email messages — one a day — to help us engage more deeply with anti-racism resources in order to see our world in fuller ways.

Undergirded by the power of scripture, we will hear songs of struggle, read prophetic words, and view powerful videos. These will help us broader our worldview as we hear the voices and experiences of others. Together, we will share insights and new learnings and integrate these into our daily walk with Jesus. And then, we will allow ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit to a Land of Love.

I hope you will join me on this pilgrimage. You can find information for it on the Mountain Sky Conference website. Please sign up by Sept. 4. Invite others to join us by posting on social media. My hope is that every United Methodist in the Mountain Sky Conference will join this pilgrimage/

I look forward to journeying with you!

Bishop Karen

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Vital Conversations (9/2) is on suicide prevention & mental health

Sept. 2 (11:30am) Vital Conversations is suicide prevention, mental health with Rev. Dr. Paul Bretz

Please join Superintendent Jeff Rainwater next week for Vital Conversations as he welcomes Rev. Dr. Paul Bretz for a discussion about QPR Training (Question, Persuade, Refer), which is focused primarily on suicide prevention, but is relevant to anyone who is concerned about mental health or addiction related issues.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Work being done at the church

The church lawn is being worked on this week to install a new sprinkler system. The old one had reached its limit and couldn't be repaired any longer. We're fortunate to have dedicated Trustees keeping on top of things!

Wednesday with the Wesley's


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

UMCOR prepares for Hurricane Laura

UMCOR is closely monitoring now-Hurricane Laura in the Gulf of Mexico and offers prayers of safety and protection for those in the path of this storm.

Stay informed on developments from local news sources and read FEMA’s advice on how to prepare now: https://www.ready.gov/hurricanes

UMW Faith Talks: Voter Guides & Voter Suppression

This month as we mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and women’s right to vote—a milestone Methodist women helped to achieve—women are again mobilizing to make their voices heard through the franchise. Please join us for a live recording of United Methodist Women’s #FaithTalks podcast on voting and voter suppression on Thursday, August 27 at noon.

The discussion will feature women of faith who are working to ensure that every eligible voter can vote. My guests are Sabrina White of the Baltimore Washington Conference United Methodist Women; the Rev. Traci Blackmon of the United Church of Christ; Liz OuYang, a civil rights attorney and voting rights expert; Bee Moorhead, executive director of Texas impact, a statewide interfaith justice advocacy network; and the Rev. Dr. Brianna K. Parker, the founder and curator of the Black Millennial Café.

Monday, August 24, 2020

What Pastor Charles is reading

This week, Pastor Charles is reading this book that he picked up several years ago while attending the Two-year Academy for Spiritual Formation that was being held in San Antonio, Texas. 

"More so than anything else, the Eucharist is what anchors many peoples' life, prayer, and ultimately the way they live their lives. In this deeply personal book, Father Ronald Rolheiser delves into the history and meaning of this sacred tradition, drawing upon the insights of various scripture scholars, theologians, and church teachings. With personal warmth and great insight, he reflects on his own particular Roman Catholic upbringing and the centrality that the Eucharist has within that tradition. At the same time, he looks at other denominations’ traditions around the Eucharist. Our One Great Act of Fidelity is an investigation into the ways people secure their faith and belief and discover true intimacy with God and each other."

- From Fr. Rolheiser's website

This week @ St. Paul's UMC

5:30 pm, Virtual Dinner Circle

1:00 pm, Virtual Memorial Team meeting

10:00 am, Virtual Coffee/Tea
11:00 am, UMC Town Hall on Racism, (Learn more at this link)

Noon, UMW Faith Talks: Voter Guides & Voter Suppression (Learn more at this link)

10:00 am, Virtual Worship
11:00 am, Virtual Youth Group

Scripture lessons for August 30

As August draws to a close, our scripture lessons come from Romans 12:9-21 and Matthew 16:21-28

Sunday, August 23, 2020

August 23 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements

+In keeping with current City/County of Boulder, State of Colorado, and Mountain Sky Conference guidance, all in-person programs and events of St. Paul's UMC are cancelled until further notice. 

+If you would like to make a donation to thank The Pic and Bow for their musical contribution, please send a check to Martha B., made out to St. Paul's, and write The Pic and Bow in the memo line.

+You are invited to join us each Wednesday morning @ 10:00 am, for a virtual coffee/tea informal gathering via Zoom. Join our gathering at this link.

+Two new interactive town hall discussions are planned as part of the “Dismantling Racism: Pressing on to Freedom” initiative’s town hall series on anti-racism to explore both old and new approaches to organizing for racial justice in church and community. In the first of the two discussions, participants will hear from a panel of seasoned leaders on August 26 at 11:00 AM. The webinar will be at available at this link.

+UMW Faith Talks: Voter Guides and Voter Suppression, Thursday @ noon. Register at this link.

+Be sure to view our calendar to see the latest activities being offered through various virtual platforms. More information is available on our blog.

+Please remember to send your gifts and offerings to support the ongoing ministries of St. Paul's UMC (Boulder) to Martha B.

August 23 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers

Joys:                                                                                                                                                          +We give thanks for those with birthdays this week - Ella B., Matt C., Abby L., and Vince W.
+Suzanne gives thanks for her friend, Wanda's recovery.
+Judy reports that Dr. Scott is recovering nicely.
+Claudia is thankful for Chris' safe trip.
+Claudia's sister, Cheryl, is starting her third year of law school!
+Jack H.'s fiancĂ©e is starting a new job.
+Sally O. is happy that her brother-in-law is starting a new job
+The Owen's are celebrating their 50th anniversary this week.
+Pastor Charles' mother and sister (in Missouri) are online this week!
+Ann, 101 and Sarah, 100, at Brookdale in Newnan, Georgia, are neighbors of Charles' mom and are wonderful neighbors.

Concerns:                                                                                                                                            +Those who are dealing with the impact of the pandemic including those facing health concerns, economic anxiety, or other disruptions of life.                                                                  +Lifting up in prayers those affected by the pervasive nature of racism in our society.           +We pray for those impacted by the fires sweeping across the western states, particularly here in Colorado.                                                                                                                                          +Jerry, a neighbor of Pastor Charles' mom, has health concerns.                                                                                                                                              

August 23 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

12th Sunday after Pentecost 

Today’s Meditation Verse: “I’m convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord…” – Romans 8:38a

Welcome—Pastor Charles

Call to Worship—Pastor Charles (Leader) and Amy A. (People)

Congregation is encouraged to read people’s response aloud on mute setting

Leader: Sing to the Lord a new song!
People: We sing a song of peace and hope!
Leader: Sing to the Lord a song of strength.
People: Our strength is in the Lord of hosts!
Leader: Sing to the Lord a song of joy!
People: Our song is a song of service and faithfulness.

This is Thy Will, I Know (Charles Wesley) – Amy A.

Congregation is encouraged to read aloud on mute setting

This is Thy will, I know, That I should holy be,
Should let my sins this moment go, This moment turn to Thee.

O might I now embrace Thy all sufficient power,
And nevermore to sin give place, And never grieve Thee more!

Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations—Pastor Charles

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer—Pastor Charles

Congregation is encouraged to pray The Lord’s Prayer aloud on mute setting

Gospel Lesson: Matthew 16:13-20—Amy A.

Musical Offering: JO3:16                             

Epistle Lesson: Romans 12:1-8—Pastor Charles

Sermon: “Make your choice”– Pastor Charles

Celebration of Ministry: Ready to Work 5th Anniversary--Amy A.

Words for the Journey—Pastor Charles

Reminder: Gifts and tithes can be sent directly to Martha B. Contributions to the PATH Fund can be marked “PATH Fund” in the memo line. 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Dreammaking in an age of Doomscrolling: Following Jesus at the end of an era

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020 – 8 am to 4 pm 

Join Safiyah Fosua and Amy Oden in an Online Academy Day Apart that combines historical witness, embodied practice, faithful engagement, and healthy conversation to illumine the path for justice-centered faith communities of the future. 

Following the Academy rhythm of praying the hours, the Academy Day Apart includes:

• Pre-retreat reading, viewing, and listening material with journal prompts  • Pre-retreat “Creating Sacred Space at Home” guide • Day-of LIVE interactive and embodied teaching with Safiyah Fosua + Amy Oden • Day-of LIVE Academy Worship • Day-of invitations into prolonged silence and prayer • Day-of small group discussion • Day-of free time and breaks • Link to yoga + holy movement practice accessible for all abilities to practice day-of or post-retreat • Post-retreat reading + engagement for going deeper 

Space is limited. Apply by September 1, 2020 at https://academy.upperroom.org/event/dayapart

Rates for participation in the retreat are*: 

• $60 full registration rate • $120 full rate + sponsor another participant / • $40 student rate 

*The Online Academy Day Apart is valued at $120; however, we’re offering the course at half of that—$60/participant.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Methodism 101 coming this fall

Pastor Charles will be offering an intro to United Methodism this fall through YouTube  and Facebook live videos. Print material will be available each week via email to those interested. P
osts will begin Tuesday, September 1st and continue weekly until November 17th. 

The tentative outline looks like this:

Methodist history... Topics include 
Epworth & the Wesley's - The Holy Club & Oxford - Georgia & the Moravians - Early Methodist history in America.

Basic writings... Topics include John Wesley's Journal - John Wesley's Sermons & commentaries - Charles Wesley's hymns, UMC hymnal, & the Book of Worship - Book of Discipline & Book of Resolutions - The General Rules & Articles of Religion.

Contemporary topics... Topics include General church boards and agencies - Today's UMW & UMM - Social Justice - Miscellaneous topics.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Disciples Living Generously Course

A three-session series designed to help church leaders see stewardship and generosity as more than “how do we pay the bills” but rather “how do we grow generous disciples? Moving the focus beyond the church’s need for money to clearly highlight a disciple’s need to experience the joy of a generous life.

In this course you’ll explore foundational concepts that have not always been associated with stewardship in many churches:

  • The Importance of Relationships
  • Matters of Trust
  • Focusing on the Giver
  • Defining What is Enough

You’ll also dive into the Five Key Elements to consider when developing a stewardship strategy for your church.

These five characteristics are often found in congregations that are leading people to be generous givers:

  1. Self-Examination
  2. First Fruits Teaching
  3. Personal Witness & Storytelling
  4. Clear Vision for Mission
  5. High Expectation of Members and Leaders

Each of these Five Key Elements is accompanied by a video segment, along with suggestions for “action steps” and questions for reflection and response.

This teaching series will have an online forum as a place to share your challenges, hopes, and celebrations in ministry.

By the end of this course you will have the tools needed to establish a successful stewardship strategy to create a culture of generosity within your church.

Get started today at this link!