9th Sunday after Pentecost
Today’s Meditation Verse: “I ask that you’ll know the love of Christ that is beyond
knowledge so that you will be filled entirely with the fullness
of God.” —Ephesians 3:19
Welcome...Pastor Charles
Prelude…Lorie Courier / “Brethren, We Have Met to
Call to Worship (Psalm 14:2 & 7 CEB)...Rebecca Glancy
The Lord looks down from heaven on humans to see
if anyone is wise, to see if anyone seeks God,
Let Israel’s salvation come out of Zion! When the Lord changes the people’s circumstances
for the better,
Jacob will rejoice; Israel will celebrate!
Hymn…“When Morning Gilds the Skies” (UMH #185)
Litany from the Inside*...Rebecca Glancy
Love me from the inside out God. Take the thoughts I hide
deep inside and burn them with Your purifying fire.
Love me from the inside out, God.
Take the root of my mistrust and deaden their hold on my
Love me from the inside out, God.
Take the thoughts that run freely in my mind and trap them
in Your grace.
Love me from the inside out, God.
Take the hope You have planted in me and nourish it with the
support of the church.
Love me from the inside out, God.
Take the gift of the Spirit living in me and ignite Your love to
lead me to Your service.
Love me from the inside out, God.
Take Your love in me and let it infuse my living.
Love me from the inside out, God.
Reprinted by permission of the publisher from Before the Amen, eds.
Maria I. Tirabassi and Maren C. Tirabassi. © 2007 The Pilgrim
Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations... Pastor Charles will read prayer requests written on index cards. If
you have a prayer request to share aloud, please hand your index
card to the usher.
Moment of Silence and Reflection
Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer...Pastor Charles
Gospel Lesson: John 6:1-13 ...Rebecca Glancy
Special Music...Lorie Courier & Ron Revier / “Be Thou My Vision”
Second Lesson: Sirach 51:1-5, 13-30...Pastor Charles
Pastor: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.
Sermon...Pastor Charles / “How much does wisdom cost?”
Hymn for the Journey...“Spirit Song” (UMH #347)
Words for the Journey...Pastor Charles
Postlude...Lorie Courier / “When We All Get to Heaven”