Today’s Meditation Verse: “I will fulfill my promises in the presence of those who honor God.” —Psalm 22:25b
Welcome...Pastor Charles
Prelude...Hyeji Miranda / “I Need Thee Every Hour,” arranged by Michael Bailey
*Call to Worship (inspired by Matthew 11:29 and Revelation 21:5)...Amy Abshire
Leader: Come all who are weary... People: Of wealth, of poverty, of power, of struggle, of division. Leader: Come all who are heavy-laden... People: With too much, with too little, with anxiety, with fear, with anger. Leader: Come all who have hope... People: For liberation, for peace, for freedom, for the kingdom. Leader: Hear these words: People: “See, I am making all things new.” —“I Am Making All Things New,” Rosie Venner, WSCF Europe website
*Hymn...“Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” (UMH #384)
Litany of Call and Confession (inspired by John 13:34-35; 1 John 4:7)...Amy Abshire
To be read responsively
Come with what you have. For you who grieve this day, know that you are invited to bring the broken pieces of your heart. Loved by one another, we discover God’s love for us.
Come with what you have. For you who come with gladness, know that your melody will find harmony. Accepting God's love for us, we are called to love one another.
Come with what you have. For you weighed down by too many ‘should’ and ‘what-ifs,’ know that here you may lay down the burdens of guilt and shame.Loved by one another, we discover God’s love for us.
Come with what you have. For you who have the answers, know that new questions await you. Accepting God’s love for us, we are called to love one another.
Come with what you have. For you who come seeking, know that your questions are safe in the presence of God. Loved by one another, we discover God’s love for us. —written by Katherine Hawker, posted on Outside the Box
Gospel Lesson: John 15:1-8...Amy Abshire
Choral Anthem...“I Love to Tell the Story,” arranged by Mark Hayes
Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations
Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer...Pastor Charles
New Testament Lesson: Acts 8:26-39...Pastor Charles
This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
Sermon...Pastor Charles / “We cannot do this thing alone”
*Hymn...“Gather Us In” (TFWS #2236)
*Words for the Journey...Pastor Charles
Postlude...Hyeji Miranda / “Come Unto Jesus,” arranged by Terri Hutchings