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Sunday, June 5, 2022

Pentecost @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

Today’s Meditation Verse: “All you who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons and daughters.” —Romans 8:14 (CEB)

Welcome... Pastor Charles

Prelude... Hyeji Park / “Be still my soul” arranged by Summer Decker Nelson

*Call to Worship... Rebecca Glancy
Leader: The Holy Spirit has given us life and pours on us the power to become new people!
People: The winds of the Spirit have given us breath and the fire of the Spirit has enkindled in us a love for God and each other.
Leader: Come here in faithfulness and be ready for the surprises that God’s Spirit brings.
People: We open our lives to the presence of God and trust God’s promise to us that we can live new lives of freedom and grace. May God help us to be true people of spirit, letting holy surprises fill our days!

—Touch Holiness, Ruth C. Duck/Maren C. Tirabassi, eds. © 1990. Used by permission of The Pilgrim Press.

*Hymn... “Love Devine, All Loves Excelling” (UMH #384)

Prayer for Pentecost... Rebecca Glancy
Gracious God, Living, Eternal Spirit, we thank You that You seek us in tender loving care, lest any be lost. Help us, in the same way, to reach out toward those who may feel alienated or excluded from the Christian Community. Send Your Spirit upon us, that when we speak the word of Your love, people may hear and understand in their own language as on the Pentecost day so long ago; for we pray in the name of Jesus, the Christ.

—Flames of the Spirit. Ruth C. Duck, ed. © 1985. Used by permission of The Pilgrim Press.

Epistle Lesson: Acts 2:1-4, 14-21... Rebecca Glancy

Special Music... Hyeji Park / “Come Thou Fount,” arranged by Christy Davis

Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations

Pastoral Prayer... Pastor Charles

Hymn: “To Everyone Born” 

Gospel Lesson: John 14:8-17, 25-27...Pastor Charles
Pastor: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon... Pastor Charles / “Is it ever going to be enough?”

Communion / The Lord’s Prayer

*Hymn... “God the Spirit, Guide, and Guardian” (UMH #648)

*Words for the Journey... Pastor Charles

*Postlude... Hyeji Park / “I walked today where Jesus walked,” arranged by Linda Hartman

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