(Click on the pictures to make them larger)

Saturday, September 30, 2023

World Communion Sunday is tomorrow!

Join us Sunday for worship at 10:15 a.m. in person or online here. It is World Communion Sunday. If you are participating at home, please provide yourself with bread or crackers (any type) and juice (any kind).  Preview Sunday's bulletin here.

Click here to watch the Celebration of Life of Donna Wasson, held last Tuesday.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Clergy Orders in Ft. Collins

First UMC - Fort Collins

First UMC sanctuary

Bishop Oliveto addresses the clergy
Some books for Pastor Charles

Pastor Charles spent a few days in Fort Collins this week with other clergy from around the Mountain Sky Conference at the annual Clergy Orders retreat. In addition to hearing from Bishop Oliveto and other conference leaders, there was spritual content from Rev. Beth Richardson who is a retired clergy from our conference and who is known for her work with The Upper Room.

Using A.I. Tools in the Church webinar.

Wondering what A.I. is all about and how it can be used in the church? A little nervous about what is and isn’t legal? Just not sure it’s for you? Those questions and more will be answered in this Using A.I. Tools in the Church webinar. Amazon Bestselling Author and consultant Jason Moore will guide a conversation about what A.I. is, which tools are most useful for various aspects of ministry and will demonstrate how to use them. Best of all, most A.I. tools are free to use or are very affordable. Regardless of your church size, budget, and worship style, this A.I. primer will be helpful for you. This resource is for all laity and clergy and is funded through the Congregational Vitality area.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Current and ongoing news about our conference financials

Dear Beloveds of the Mountain Sky Conference,

At Annual Conference this year, conference leadership heard loud and clear the desire for greater transparency regarding the conference budget. The members of the Conference Committee on Finance and Administration are responding to that request by ensuring that an updated budget report can be found monthly on the conference website. You will see it here: https://www.mtnskyumc.org/monthly-financial-reports

We in The United Methodist Church are connected to one another. One reason why our denomination has been a powerful movement within the United States and across the globe is because we share our resources and multiply our impact of sharing the love of God as found in Christ Jesus through ministries of compassion and justice.

Within the Annual Conference, your mission shares enable us to deploy pastors, train laity, and support ministries with and for those who are vulnerable and in need. We are honored to serve churches across our vast geography – those in rural and traditionally under-represented communities and those that reside in large metropolitan cities. We want to highlight some of the ways your mission share dollars are at work, within the Mountain Sky Conference and beyond:

  • Leadership Development funds grants to local churches invested in laity leadership development and/or anti-racism work

  • Camping and Campus Ministries that benefit youth and young adults as we witness the movement of the Holy Spirit through all ages and generations 

  • We supply grants for local churches through each focus area for abundant health, creation justice, disability matters, technology and resourcing

  • 70% of the Mission Engagement budget goes to commitments like Angola pastors’ support, disaster response and recovery, and Ecumenical ministry support

  • Abundant Health initiatives focus on mental health, suicide prevention, and domestic violence prevention

  • Resourcing areas focusing on advocacy and inclusion: focusing on some areas such as LBGTQ inclusion, anti-racism, intercultural competency, cross-racial/cross cultural and ethnic ministries, partnering with clergy of color. 

Thank you for your mission shares, which enable these ministries to happen!

The Mountain Sky Conference leadership seeks to be faithful stewards of our shared resources. We hope by sharing this budget report, this commitment can be confirmed.


Bishop Karen Oliveto 

Angela Thomas, Chief Financial Officer 

Bruce Berger, Chairperson of the Conference Committee on Finance and Administration 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wednesday with the Wesleys

It is, perhaps, one of the most difficult things in the world to preserve a devout and serious temper of mind in the midst of much worldly business ... We must work so much harder, we must be careful to redeem time from sleep, eating, dressing, unnecessary visits, and trifling conversation.

~ Susanna Wesley

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Remembering Donna Wasson

Members of the community gathered this afternoon at St. Paul's to celebrate the life of Donna Wasson. Donna passed on May 4 and friends and family came together to share memories and to honor this amazing saint of our church. To view the recording of luncheon, click here.

Whatever happened to sin?

Join Rebecca Glancy for a discussion of Sin by Hugh Connolly on Tuesday evenings at 7:15 via Zoom beginning on October 10. We will meet for eight weeks. New and used copies of the book are available at Amazon.com. Let Rebecca know if you’re interested in participating.

Monday, September 25, 2023

This week at St. Paul's UMC


9:00 AM, Office Hours

9:00 AM, Office Hours
11:45 AM, Donna Wasson Celebration of Life luncheon

Clergy Orders retreat (Pastor)
9:30 AM, Wednesday Weeders
10:00 AM, Zoom Fellowship
7:30 PM, Choir practice 

Clergy Orders retreat (Pastor)

Clergy Orders retreat (Pastor)

6:00 AM, BBKC prayer gathering

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost 
8:00 AM, Bell practice
 8:45 AM, Adult class
10:15 AM, Worship
11:15 AM, Fellowship
12:30 PM, BBKC  

Scripture lessons for World Communion Sunday

We begin a new month at St. Paul's next Sunday which is celebrated as World Communion Sunday

Our lessons will come from Philippians 2:1-13 and Matthew 21:23-32.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

September 24 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers


+ We give thanks for the 474.8 lbs. of food and toiletries that we were able to deliver to EFAA last week. 

+ We give thanks for the donation of soup and chili donated by the St. Paul's UMC family for the students at Fairview High School

+ Pastor Charles gives thanks for the gift of buttons for his collection from Tim & Sandi Cook.

+ We celebrate this week's birthday: Steve Matthews

We are blessed by those who served this week: Belinda Alkula (videographer),  Louise Cook (pianist), Tim Cook (study class), Rebecca Glancy (liturgist), Kathy Lloyd (Zoom host), Etta Levitt (Zoom usher), Suzanne Polacek (bells), Jim Vander Vorste (greeter/fellowship), and Joey Vander Vorste (fellowship/flowers).


+ Pastor Charles lifts up in prayer all those involved in the church trial of Bishop Minerva Carcaño last week [she was aquitted on all counts].  

+ Suzanne Polacek asks for prayers for Ron as he undergoes further treatments this week. 

+ Amy Abshire asks for prayers for Nels (her brother-in-law) who is having surgery this week.

Michele Matthews lifts up her doctor who was hurt in a car accident in the parking lot.

+ Suzanne Polacek lifts up her friend, Laura, who was in a car accident.

September 24 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements

+ Please sign up to write for the Advent devotional. This year's theme is "The names of Jesus." See the sign-up sheet on the Greeter's table or speak with Pastor Charles.

+ A memorial luncheon for Donna Wasson will be held on Tuesday, September 26, starting at 11:45 a.m., at St. Paul’s UMC in the fellowship hall.

You are invited on Thursday, September 28 at 6PM to join Rev. Adam Hamilton and a panel of United Methodist bishops as they discuss their hopes and dreams for the future of the United Methodist ChurchThis is an exciting time for the UMC as we emerge from the aftermath of Covid and disaffiliations and as we look ahead to a new future. You won't want to miss this. Save this link to join the live stream.

+ Ladies Lunch Bunch will meet Thursday, October 5, at 11:45 a.m. at Parma Trattoria & Mozzarella Bar (in the Village Shops at Colony Square, 1132 W. Dillon Road in Louisville). Please R.S.V.P. to Sally Owen by October 3.

+Haven Ridge open house. Please join our new neighbors on October 7, 10AM-2pm at their new location (the former Mary Sandoe House), learn more about its programming, and celebrate this exciting time for this organization! Click on this link to register for this free event.

+ Whatever happened to sin? Join Rebecca Glancy for a discussion of Sin by Hugh Connolly on Tuesday evenings at 7:15 via Zoom beginning on October 10. We will meet for eight weeks. New and used copies of the book are available at Amazon.com. Let Rebecca know if you’re interested in participating.

United Women in Faith hybrid annual gathering. October 13-14 (Friday-Saturday). Theme: “Stir the Pot of Love for Justice." Zoom Gathering / In-person location: First UMC, 2800 4th Ave North, Billings Montana 59101. Online Registration. Registration Deadline: October 2.

September 24 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

Flowers from the Vander Vorstes

Louise and Suzanne offer the prelude

Fellowship time!

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
(visit this link for today's service)

Today’s Meditation Verse: “Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD; praise the name of the LORD. Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time on and forevermore.” —Psalm 113:1-2

Welcome...Pastor Charles 

Prelude…Louise Cook and Suzanne Polacek / “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” by Mark Hayes

 *Call to Worship (Psalm 105:1-4, The Inclusive Bible)...Rebecca Glancy        Alleluia! Give thanks to the LORD! Call upon God’s Name; proclaim God’s deeds among the peoples! Sing to God; sing praise and tell of all God’s marvels! Glory in God’s holy Name; let the hearts that seek God rejoice! Turn to the Lord—to God’s strength—and seek God’s presence constantly. 

*Hymn…“Depth of Mercy” (UMH #355) 

Prayer of Confession (Book of Worship, #490)...Rebecca Glancy 

O merciful God, we confess that we have not acknowledged You as the source of our successes, our substance, our selves. We have been far more ready to complain when things go wrong than to praise when all is well. We have fed our bodies a rich diet while neglecting to feed our souls. Power and wealth have assumed greater importance to us than sensitivity and service. We have allowed religious words and forms to substitute for living encounters with the persons You have called us to love. Forgive us, compassionate Redeemer, and grant us the opportunity to start over again. Keep us from repeating the mistakes of the past or from new evils that could mislead or destroy. In the name of the Christ, we offer our earnest prayers for pardon and deliverance. Amen. 

Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations

Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer...Pastor Charles 

Epistle Lesson: Philippians 1:21-30...Rebecca Glancy 

Bell Anthem…“Sweet Spirit,” arranged by Bill Ingram Gospel 

Lesson: Matthew 20:1-16...Pastor Charles 

This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. 

Sermon...Pastor Charles / “Someone is watching” 

*Hymn…“O Jesus, I Have Promised” (UMH #396) 

*Words for the Journey...Pastor Charles 

Postlude...Louise Cook / “On Eagle’s Wings” by Michael Joncas, arranged by Douglas Wagner

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Welcome autumn!

Giving the front door a sprucing up!

Ready to swap out the summer and autumn flowers

Welcome, autumn!

Pastor Charles gave the front door a fresh look today as autumn arrived on the Front Range. The flowers were also swapped, autumn replacing the summer flowers, at various points on the outside of the church building.

A Poem for Autumn

Photo by Pastor Charles

Autumn Song
By Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Know'st thou not at the fall of the leaf
How the heart feels a languid grief
Laid on it for a covering,
And how sleep seems a goodly thing
In Autumn at the fall of the leaf?
And how the swift beat of the brain
Falters because it is in vain,
In Autumn at the fall of the leaf
Knowest thou not? and how the chief
Of joys seems—not to suffer pain?
Know'st thou not at the fall of the leaf
How the soul feels like a dried sheaf
Bound up at length for harvesting,
And how death seems a comely thing
In Autumn at the fall of the leaf?

Worship with us tomorrow!

Join us Sunday for worship
 at 10:15 a.m. in person or online here. Preview Sunday's bulletin here.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Western Jurisdiction leaders respond as jury finds Bishop Carcaño not guilty in Church trial

For Immediate Release
September 22, 2023

GLENVIEW, ILLINOIS – After three days of testimony and an evening spent in prayerful deliberation, a jury of Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño’s clergy peers found her not guilty of violating The United Methodist Book of Discipline on the four charges she faced.

Rev. Dan Hurlbert, chair of the Western Jurisdiction Committee on Episcopacy, responded shortly after the trial, writing, “In accordance with ¶ 2704.1.c of The 2016 Book of Discipline which states, “the jurisdictional committee on the episcopacy may suspend the respondent pending the conclusion of the trial process,” Bishop Carcaño’s suspension is concluded. She will resume her episcopal duties in the California-Nevada Annual Conference and the United Methodist connection. The Committee on Episcopacy is grateful to all the participants in the trial for their prayerful work, and we look forward to supporting Bishop Carcaño in her ministry going forward.”

Western Jurisdiction College President Bishop Dottie Escobedo-Frank was present as the verdict was announced. “The focus of God’s work is creation, healing, and restoration. We join God’s work of healing and restoration in the Western Jurisdiction and California-Nevada Conference. My heart and prayers are with everyone who has been involved in this process.”

Bishop Carcaño has been on suspension since March 2022 while the investigation was started, then paused while she appealed to the United Methodist Judicial Council, then returned to the Western Jurisdiction to try and reach a just resolution between all parties. Ultimately, that could not be achieved without going to trial.

During the trial, the Church argued that Bishop Carcaño’s actions broke the sacred trust that binds all ordained United Methodist clergy, including bishops. Retired Mountain Sky Conference Elder Rev. Janet Forbes served as the Church’s counsel, with supporting counsel Richard Marsh. The complainants, all serving under Carcaño in the California-Nevada Conference, brought forward complaints regarding conference finances, the pastoral leadership of the bishop and issues of harassment.

“Now the healing begins, and I recognize that it’s not going to be an easy path, but we must try. I commit myself to this hard work of healing and restoration,” noted Bishop Carlo A. Rapanut, secretary for the WJ College of Bishops, who was also present for the trial. “May this serve as an opportunity to provide a witness to the world as we live out our Christian values of grace, forgiveness, justice and love.”

The trial came after an 18-month suspension of Bishop Carcaño. She is the first bishop in The United Methodist Church and the first Methodist bishop in nearly 100 years to face a trial.

A pastoral letter from the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops

Dear beloved members of The United Methodist Church in the west,

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ,

Today, a jurisdictional trial concluded that involved our colleague, Bishop Minerva Carcaño, as respondent. Under the oversight of presiding officer Bishop Alfred Gwinn, the trial resulted in a dismissal of all four charges against Bishop Carcaño as the jury found her actions to be within the bounds of her episcopal authority.

Although the judicial process is complete, we recognize that pain and anguish are present in this moment. We especially extend our care to those who gave voice to their convictions with courage through the complaint process and the trial. We don’t minimize the hurt we all carry, and at the same time, we begin the work of healing.  No verdict – innocent or guilty – will do the hard work of restoring and building the necessary trust for healthy relationships. This will require diligence, mercy, reconciliation, and restoration by all parties.

With the trial now over, the Western Jurisdiction’s College of Bishops will welcome Bishop Carcaño back into our shared collaborative work. As we build new and restore old relationships, we will walk alongside her as fellow servant leaders, even as we continue to hold each other accountable in love.

We are thankful for all who contributed their time and gifts to this trial, ensuring a fair hearing of the facts and the faithful deliberations of the jury. The court’s officers, presiding officer Bishop Gwinn and secretary Rev. R. Preston Price, capably facilitated while coordinating details for the relocated trial with leadership in the North Central Jurisdiction and our building host, Wespath.

We also give thanks for the leaders within the Western Jurisdiction who navigated this complaint process with diligence and care, balancing the requirements of The Discipline with a desire to do no harm. In particular, we offer our gratitude to Rev. Janet Forbes and Richard Marsh, who dutifully represented the Church as counsel in this trial.

As your College of Bishops, we remain committed to guiding our jurisdiction through this season with integrity, compassion, and a listening spirit. We invite you to join us in prayer, seeking God’s wisdom and grace as we navigate the path ahead.

Grace y Paz,

Bishop Dottie Escobedo-Frank
President, Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops
Resident Bishop of the Los Angeles Area

Soup for students

Belinda and Pastor Charles delivered an assortment of soup, chili, and other foods to the Knight's Closet at Fairview High School this afternoon. These will go to economically disadvantaged students who will be able to have something to take home for the weekend.

Church court finds bishop not guilty

Bishop Carcaño stands as the verdict is read

By Heather Hahn

Sept. 22, 2023 | UM News

A church court found Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño — The United Methodist Church’s first Latina bishop — not guilty of four charges.

Carcaño, who has served as bishop of the California-Nevada Conference since 2016, stood trial before a jury of 13 racially diverse clergy members from the North Central Jurisdiction. The trial, which began Sept. 19,  took place at the offices of Wespath Benefits and Investments in Glenview, Illinois, a Chicago suburb.

The bishop faced accusations under church law of disobedience to the order and discipline of the church, undermining the ministry of another clergy person, harassment and fiscal malfeasance.

After a few hours of deliberation on the evening of Sept. 21, the jury — called a trial court in The United Methodist Church — rendered a verdict acquitting her on all counts.

Read more at this link.

UMCOR Response update

UMCOR has provided emergency grants to two local partners, Muslim Aid and IBC Uluslararası Mavi Hilal Vakfı, for assistance in Morocco and Libya, respectively. The grants are providing emergency relief supplies to affected communities. Please continue praying for all those impacted by the earthquakes and flooding, including those who lost their homes and loved ones.

Stay tuned for more updates on the responses to these disasters as more aid is administered.
To support the continued response to this and other disasters around the world, consider donating to the UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery Advance here.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Trial sees defense of bishop, closing remarks

Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño — The United Methodist Church’s first Latina bishop — testified that she feels great responsibility for the costs that the trial process she is undergoing has brought upon the church.

“Not only to the California-Nevada Conference, but the Western Jurisdiction and the cost to all of you,” she told a jury of fellow United Methodist clergy.

“Friends, I am embarrassed that I was not able to manage the work of this annual conference and its staff and its relationships in a way that would have prohibited this extended process that has not only affected me, but affected the California-Nevada Conference … and has brought disruption to the life of The United Methodist Church.”

The jury heard from the bishop and other witnesses who defended her work in the California-Nevada Conference as the trial of the bishop entered its third day at the headquarters of Wespath, the denomination’s pension agency. This is the first trial of a bishop in The United Methodist Church or any of its predecessors since 1928.

Read more at this link.

EFAA donations

Pastor Charles delivered the bounty collected by the St. Paul's UMC family to EFAA this morning: 474.8 lbs. of food and other items! The staff appreciated the donations which will be distributed to EFAA clients along with thousands of pounds given out each day.

Reviving the Sabbath

“Sabbath: An Ancient Tradition Meets the Modern World” 
is a documentary with an agenda. The film’s director, Martin Doblmeier, believes that setting apart one day a week to rest and reflect is desperately needed in our go-go, social-media-saturated society.

“In generations past, it was an obligatory behavior pattern,” said Doblmeier, who has made more than 35 films on religion and spirituality for Journey Films, which he founded. “We're inviting people to rediscover the Sabbath as a gift that's less about the obligation of it. It's more about the opportunity and the privilege of doing it.

“One day a week, you say, ‘I've done enough, and I am enough. I have enough for that one day.’

Read more at this link.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Call for Soup

The Community Liaison at Fairview High School emailed this morning, asking for donations of soup that her students can take home and eat over the weekends. She said the best size of soup is the one that can fit into a backpack to transport home. Any soup is welcome -- except tomato and sweet potato soup. These two types of soup the kids do NOT like.

If you are able to donate soup, please take it to church this Sunday, and Belinda is happy to deliver it to next Monday.

Witnesses testify in bishop’s trial

The church trial of United Methodist Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño continued with witnesses testifying on how they think she violated church law.

Carcaño — who has led the California-Nevada Conference since 2016 — faces four charges of violating church law, stemming from three complaints. She stands accused of disobedience to the order and discipline of The United Methodist Church, the undermining of another pastor’s ministry, harassment and fiscal malfeasance. The bishop has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

On the afternoon of Sept. 19 and into Sept. 20, the jury of fellow United Methodist clergy heard witnesses for the counsel for the church — essentially the prosecution. The trial is taking place at the offices of Wespath Benefits and Investments in Glenview, Illinois, a Chicago suburb.

Jurors heard testimony about three different disputes that gave rise to the complaints and the subsequent charges.

“It is up to you to determine from the evidence presented whether the church has proven the charges against the respondent by clear and convincing evidence,” retired Bishop Alfred Gwinn, the presiding officer, told the jury at the start of the trial.

“The respondent, Bishop Carcaño, is presumed to be innocent until the conclusion of the trial process, when you will render a verdict on the bill of charges and specifications.”

Read more at this link.

Wednesday with the Wesleys

What religion do I preach? The religion of love; the law of kindness brought to light by the gospel. What is it good for? To make all who receive it enjoy God and themselves: to make them like God; lovers of all; content in their lives; and crying out at their death, in calm assurance ​‘O grave, where is thy victory! Thanks be unto God, who giveth me the victory, through my Lord Jesus Christ.

~ John Wesley (An Earnest Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion, 19.11.54)

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Trial of United Methodist bishop gets underway

For the first time in nearly 100 years, charges against one of The United Methodist Church’s bishops have gone to trial.

Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño faces four charges of violating church law. She is accused of disobeying the order and discipline of The United Methodist Church, undermining the ministry of another pastor, committing harassment (including but not limited to racial and/or sexual harassment) and committing fiscal malfeasance.

The announcement by retired Bishop Alfred W. Gwinn, the presiding officer in the case, marked the first public disclosure of the nature of the accusations she faces since March of last year when Western Jurisdiction leaders announced that Carcaño was under suspension while complaints against her were under review. She has been on leave with pay and benefits ever since.

Carcaño pleaded not guilty to all four charges. All four charges stem from three complaints filed against the bishop by members of the California-Nevada Conference.

Read more at this link.