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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Honor Bishop Karen Oliveto with a Donation for A Table for All

How does one thank someone who has spent 40 years dedicating her life to serving The United Methodist Church? Kind notes, beautiful flowers, or little tokens?

Or perhaps, the best way, a donation to her legacy project, A Table for All.

Bishop Karen Oliveto has spent decades strengthening churches by ensuring that all are welcome. This commitment is born from her childhood experience of being taught in Sunday School that “Jesus loves the little children, all little children in the world.” This sense of God’s generous grace and wide embrace fostered Bishop Karen’s call. And it has broken her heart over and over again that not every child of God has had such a rich experience of God’s love. Wherever she has served, she has sought to build Beloved Community. Our Mountain Sky Conference has experienced that commitment and the power of Beloved Community.

As Bishop Karen enters into retirement, we hope to deepen her legacy by strengthening A Table for All, which Bishop Karen helped establish with conference leadership to ensure that vital and inclusive congregations would exist across our 4+ states, so that children everywhere will find a warm welcome in The United Methodist Church in their areas.

You are invited to be a part of this legacy and honor Bishop Karen by contributing to A Table for All.

To date the bishop’s legacy project, A Table for All, has made a significant impact through financial gifts to 12 churches. Learn more about Cohort 1 and Cohort 2.    These churches have worked to create an inclusive environment, grow their congregations, become operationally stronger, and thrive within their communities.

With A Table for All donation, you are honoring Bishop Karen Oliveto for her commitment to show the world that God loves all people.

Watch the video that highlights how A Table for All is serving our communities.

May we all sit at A Table for All that encourages the gifts within all people to do more good in the world. To learn more, visit this link.

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