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Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

Morning has broken!

Flowers from Angela Baker

Heyji Miranda offers the postlude

Fellowship is a must!

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
(link to today's service)

Today’s Meditation Verse: "I hope, Lord. My whole being hopes, and I wait for the Lord’s promise.” —Psalm 130:5

Welcome...Pastor Charles

Prelude...Hyeji Miranda / “Be Thou My Vision,” arranged by Mary Bryne

*Call to Worship (inspired by Matthew 4:19, Mark 1:16-20, Luke 5:1-11)...
L: The invitation is given to every person by Jesus Christ: “Come to me! Follow me! Be my disciples!” P: We come to this place, to this time, at the invitation of Jesus Christ.
L: In the name of Christ, P: We accept the invitation to discipleship.
L: In the name of Christ, P: As His disciples, we worship and praise God.
L: In the midst of a world where cruelty abounds, P: We proclaim the God of Compassion.
L: In the midst of despair that threatens to swallow up whole lives, whole peoples,
P: We proclaim the God of Hope.
L: In the midst of indifference and apathy, P: We proclaim the God of Love. Come, let us worship together and share our witness of God’s living presence in the world.
—from the On Earth Peace website

*Hymn...“Victory In Jesus” (UMH #370)

Psalm of the Cosmos... 
Loving God, loving God, all creation calls You blessed, and so do we, and so do we.
Loving God, all Your creation calls You blessed.
Your spirit imprints the whole universe with life and mystery. Yes,all creation proclaims Your love. We now join this chorus of praise.
Loving God, all of nature calls You blessed, and so do we.
For You have woven an intimate tapestry and call it life and called it good. In love You have formed a universe so diverse yet so related, and into its web You call us forth to walk the land and swim the sea with all our natural brothers and sisters. To the stars we seem no more than blades of grass. Yet to You, each of us, as each blade of grass and each star, is an irreplaceable treasure, an essential companion on this journey of love.
Loving God, as You lure the whole world into salvation, guide us with Your Spirit that we might not be only pilgrims on the earth, but pilgrims with the earth, journeying home to You.
Open our hearts to understand the intimate relationship that You have with all creation. Only with this faith can we hope for tomorrow’s children. Amen. Alleluia!
Loving God, loving God, all creation calls You blessed, and so do we, and so do we.
—Source unknown. Posted on the Web of Creation website

First Gospel Lesson: Mark 5:21-34 ...

Special Music...Hyeji Miranda / “Blessed Assurance,” arranged by Suyeon Choi

Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations
Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer...Pastor Charles

Second Gospel Lesson: Mark 5:35-43...Pastor Charles
L: This is the Word of God for the people of God. P: Thanks be to God.

Sermon...Pastor Charles / “The power that is present”

*Hymn...“He Touched Me” (UMH #367)

*Words for the Journey...Pastor Charles

Postlude...Hyeji Miranda / “I Surrender All,” arranged by Greg Howlett

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