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Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers


+We give thanks for Pastor Janeen Hill for bringing the message this morning.

+Pastor Charles lifts up in prayer all those who are being recognized, commissioned, or ordained today at the Mountain Sky Annual Conference ordination service in Casper, Wyoming.  

+Bishop Karen Oliveto reappointed Pastor Charles Alkula to serve the St. Paul's United Methodist Church Family for another year.

+We are thankful for this week's birthday: Betty Herrell. We also give thanks for this week's anniversary: Austin & Joan Cooper and Jim & Joey Vander Vorste.

+We give thanks for those participating in today's worship service: Amy Abshire (liturgist), Sandy Bainbridge (greeter), Lylah Bishop (acolyte), Tim Cook (class), Lorie Courier (piano), Etta Levitt (Zoom usher), Kathy Lloyd (Zoom host), Suzanne Polacek (piano), and Jim & Joey Vander Vorste (fellowship/flowers).


+We lift up the family of Tammy Paup (daughter of former St. Paul's pastor, Bishop Ed Paup) following her death last Sunday.

+Prayers for Dean H. who is dealing with medical challenges in Winside, Nebraska. Prayers for him and all who love and care for him. (Pastor Charles served the United Methodist Church there when he first married Belinda in 1997.)

+Praying for the people of Ruidoso New Mexico, who are starting to recover from a major fire and the death of two residents who didn’t escape the fire. The whole state is mourning.

+We continue to pray for those in the midst of conflict in Haiti, Yemen, South Sudan, Ukraine & Russia, Gaza & Israel, and wherever else God's people are in distress.

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