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Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements

+Celebrate the release of Claudia Mills’s latest book, The Last Apple Tree, today at 1:00 at the Reynolds Branch of the Boulder Public Library. Registration is required, but the event is free. Visit www.boulderlibrary.org 

+July 7 will see the beginning of Pastor Charles' annual summer sermon series. This year, the series is inspired by Peculiar Treasures: A Biblical Who’s Who by Frederick Buechner. It will invite us to consider how people just like us, people with flaws and strengths, hopes and fears, along with emotional baggage and spiritual gifts, have something to share and teach us. This year’s series looks at some of the persons found in the scriptures that perhaps don’t get as much attention as those whose names adorn buildings and who are depicted in art and hymns. From the Old Testament we will hear about Balaam, Bathsheba, Gehazi, and Gideon, while the stories of Onesimus, Zaccheus, and Festus will come from the New Testament.

+The Women’s Summer Book Group Women’s Summer Book Group will NOT meet this Thursday, July 4 from 3:00 to 4:30. Weekly Zoom meetings will resume the following week. We will be reading and discussing chapter two of Somehow: Thoughts on Love by Anne Lamott. Want to jump in? Belinda will be happy to send you the Zoom link.

+Ladies Lunch Bunch will meet on Thursday, July 11, at 11:45 a.m. at Parma Trattoria & Mozzarella Bar (Village Shops at Colony Square, 1132 W. Dillon Road,    Louisville). We are not meeting on Thursday, July 4, as it is a holiday. Please R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, July 9, to Suzanne Polacek. 

+Breakfast Fellowship will meet on Saturday, July 13, at 8:00 a.m. at Le Peep (2525 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, next to McGuckin’s Hardware). No reservations necessary. All are welcome!

+Virtual Adult Mission u Study: “Welcome Home” Join us for the 2024 free online summer study on July 9, 16, 23, 30 (Tuesdays) from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. The study leader is Janeen Hill. The study book is Welcome Home. This study explores how we can know God as an intimate friend who welcomes us. The study leads participants outward so that what starts in our homes expands to welcoming others to join us in our work as co-creators to establish God’s kin-dom on earth. The link for registration will be in next week’s News You Can Use. Contact Belinda Alkula if you have questions.

+Bishop Ed & Carol Paup's eldest daughter, Tammy, died on Father's Day, at the age of 58. The service of celebration will take place August 3rd, 11:00 AM, at First UMC - Belen, NM. Tammy's family hopes the service will be live-streamed, but that is yet to be decided. If you'd like to send a note or card to the family, Carol's address is: 1101 Calle del Valle, Rio Communities, NM 87002.

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