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Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements

+The memorial service for George Baker will be held on Tuesday, June 18 at 6:00 PM.

+Good news! All of this year's Annual Conference will be streamed live on the Mountain Sky Conference's website. This includes the ordination service on Sunday morning, June 23 at 10:00 AM. To see this sacred worship, along with all of our Annual Conference events, check https://www.mtnskyumc.org beginning next Thursday (June 20).

+The Women's Summer Book Group will be meeting via Zoom on Thursdays starting on June 27 (except July 4) at 3:00 PM. This summer's book will be   Somehow: Thoughts on Love by Anne Lamott. If you are joining us for the first time, ask Belinda to add you to the mailing list.

+The memorial service for the Rev. Julian Rush will be Saturday, June 29 at First United Methodist Church, 1421 Spruce Street in Boulder, at 11:00 a.m. We remember with joy his great legacy to church and society. He pioneered inclusiveness in United Methodism and saved countless lives with his untiring service with the Colorado AIDS Project. His music will live forever, as will his blessed memory.

+Virtual Adult Mission u Study:  Join us for the 2024 free online summer study “Welcome Home” on July 9, 16, 23, 30 (Tuesdays) from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. The study leader is Janeen Hill. This study explores how we can know God as an intimate friend who welcomes us. The study leads participants outward so that what starts in our homes expands to welcoming others to join us in our work as co-creators to establish God’s kin-dom on earth. The registration link will be in next week’s News    You Can Use. Contact Belinda Alkula if you have questions.

+Haven Ridge is currently asking for donations of adult bikes and bike trailers! They are located next to St. Paul's and its residents would love to get out and do their grocery shopping, get to work, drop off their children at daycare, and attend their appointments around town by bicycle. Help support their residents while also encouraging sustainable transportation (and don't forget the in-kind tax write off!). Bikes should be any adult size and in good, rideable condition. They are happy to take either e-bikes or traditional bikes; e-bikes should have a working battery and come with all items necessary for charging. Trailers should be in good condition with any attachment hardware accounted for and included. They are also happy to accept bike locks with your bike donations. Email Haven Ridge directly at info@havenridgeboulder.org to talk about a donation.

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