(Click on the pictures to make them larger)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday with the Wesleys

May it not be one of the consequences of this, that so many of you are a generation of triflers; triflers with God, with one another, and with your own souls? For, how few of you spend, from one week to another, a single hour in private prayer! How few have any thought of God in the general tenor of your conversation! Who of you is in any degree acquainted with the work of his Spirit, his supernatural work in the souls of men [and women]? Can you bear, unless now and then in a church, any talk of the Holy Ghost? Would you not take it for granted, if one began such a conversation, that it was either hypocrisy or enthusiasm? In the name of the Lord God Almighty, I ask, what religion are you of?

~ John Wesley (Scriptural Christianity)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Western fires response

Join us in prayer for all those affected by the multiple fires burning in the Western US. UMCOR is coordinating with The California-Nevada Conference and The Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church to support response efforts in California and Idaho.

We pray for the safety of the residents, firefighters and first responders.
To support those affected by this and other disasters throughout the U.S., donate to https://bit.ly/umcorusdr.

Unsung Heroes of Methodism: Jacob Albright


We’ve all heard the names John and Charles Wesley, but there are a lot of other important names in the history of Methodism you may not know. The Unsung Heroes of Methodism series tells the stories of lesser-known figures whose lives and witness still impact The United Methodist Church today, even if their names aren’t familiar to us. 

This article is part of a miniseries on the founding figures in The Evangelical United Brethren Church (EUB). The EUB is one of the predecessor denominations to The United Methodist Church. You can learn more about The EUB and its unique history here.

Born to German immigrants in Colonial Pennsylvania, Jacob Albright (Jakob Albrecht) would go on to found the Evangelical Association (one of the predecessor denominations to The UMC). Albright’s early life was marked by tragedy and hardship, which directly led him into ministry.

Read more at this link.

Monday, July 29, 2024

This week @ St. Paul's UMC

9:00 AM, Office Hours

9:00 AM, Office Hours
7:00 PM, Mission u (virtual)

9:00 AM, Office Hours
9:00 AM, Wednesday Weeders 
10:00 AM, Zoom Fellowship

9:00 AM, Office Hours
11:45 AM, Ladies Lunch Bunch
3:00 PM, Summer Book Group

6:00 AM, BBKC Prayer Time
9:00 AM, Yoga class  

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost:
8:45 AM, Study class
10:15 AM, Worship (Onesimus
11:15 AM, Fellowship
12:30 AM, BBKC 

Scripture lessons for August 4

We continue with the summer sermon series inspired by Peculiar Treasures: A Biblical Who’s Who by Frederick Buechner. This week, we look to the letter to Philemon and the encounter with Onesimus.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers


+Mark Leifste celebrates the birth of his fourth grandchild in South Carolina. 

+Belinda Alkula is thankful for the efforts of Bobby Dahlstrom to get the parsonage swamp cooler back in operation.

+The Bainbridges are thankful for their recent trip to Sante Fe.

+Pastor Charles is happy that European football (soccer) has resumed this weekend. 

+We give thanks for this week's birthday: Jennifer McNabb. We celebrate this week's anniversary: Amy Abshire & Dan Hays.

+We give thanks for those participating in today's worship service: Amy Abshire (liturgist), Belinda Alkula (video), Steve Bainbridge (greeter), Louise Cook (piano), Tim Cook (class/soloist), Etta Levitt (Zoom usher), Kathy Lloyd (Zoom host), and Myrle Myers (fellowship).


+Austin asks for prayers for Joan and the care she is recieving.

+Martha asks for prayers for her former boss, Marna, who is facing a serious health issue. 

+Sandra Jordan lifts up the participants and spectators at the Olympics in Paris. 

+We lift up in our prayers those impacted by Typhoon Gaemi which resulted in loss of life and displaced tens of thousands in the Philippines, Taiwan, and China. 

+We continue to pray for those in the midst of conflict in Haiti, Yemen, South Sudan, Ukraine & Russia, Gaza & Israel, and wherever else God's people are in distress.

July 28 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements


+Signups are needed for Sunday worship at St. Paul's UMC. Liturgist (reader), flowers, and fellowship host are easy places to serve. Signup sheet is on the greeter's table or contact the church office.

+Ladies Lunch Bunch will meet on Thursday, August 1, at 11:45 a.m. at Old Santa Fe Mexican Grille (592 S. McCaslin Blvd, Louisville). Please R.S.V.P. by noon on Wednesday, July 31, to Kathy Lloyd.

+A free virtual book discussion with author Susan Mettes, sponsored by National Office of United Women in Faith, will be hosted via Zoom on August 6, 2024, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Susan’s book is The Loneliness Epidemic: Why So Many of Us Feel Alone and How Leaders Can Respond. Pre-reading of the book is not required, but it will enrich your experience of the author’s talk. Registration is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The registration link will be in Tuesday’s News You Can Use email. Questions? Contact Belinda Alkula.

+Donations are needed to stock Knights Closet for the start of school year. Rupali Hofmann, Fairview High School’s Student Support Services Community Liaison, requested the following items: 

Body wash - Canned soup (not chili, tomato soup, or clam chowder) - Crackers -Goldfish crackers - Granola bars - Microwavable white rice - Nuts - Pop Tarts -Pretzel packs - Protein bars - Ramen Noodles - Rice - String cheese (will be kept in staff fridge) - Trail mix.

Please bring donations to the church by August 11. Questions may be directed to Sandy Bainbridge or Belinda Alkula. A food drive for EFAA will follow in September. Meanwhile, any donation made to EFAA before August 31 will be matched—for example, $100 becomes $200. See Judy Waller for more information.

+The Mountain Sky Conference will be welcoming the Rev. Dr. Joey Shelton, who will be presenting on "Christian Nationalism through the Wesleyan Lens." This webinar will kick off a virtual multiweek study and resources bank. More details are forthcoming about the guest speaker, the content, and study to follow. Please Save the Date: late afternoon of Sunday, August 25th.

+Join the Mountain Sky Conference on a spiritual journey to and through Montgomery and Selma, Alabama in January 2025. The cost of registration will be $350 dollars, plus the cost of travel and lodging. If you have any questions, please contact the Rev. Bich Thy (Betty) Nguyen. There will be some scholarships available. 

July 28 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

Morning light
Louise (piano) and Time (soloist) share their musical gifts

We love fellowship time!


Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Today’s Meditation Verse: “Now I know that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel.” —2 Kings 5:15b

Welcome...Pastor Charles

Prelude...Louise Cook / “Our God is Great,” Swedish melody arranged by John Weston

*Call to Worship (based on Jeremiah 31:27-34)...Amy Abshire
Leader: Holy One, dwell within us.
People: Whisper in our ears;
Leader: Glimmer in our vision;
People: Write upon our hearts.
Leader: We wait...
People: With open ears, open eyes, open hearts.
—Joanna Harader, posted on Spacious Faith

*Hymn...“To God Be the Glory” (UMH #98)

A Psalm of Celebration (loosely inspired by Psalm 118)...Amy Abshire

Though we have known hardship and pain, though life has not always turned out as we had hoped, we will stand here and say: God’s steadfast love endures forever! Though life becomes more complex, the deepest questions remain unanswered, and the mystery of faith deepens, we will say: God’s steadfast love endures forever! And though the pain of the   world often seems more than we can bear or address, we will stand firm in our faith and say: God’s steadfast love endures forever!
—Ann Siddall, posted at Stillpoint Spirituality Centre

First Lesson: 2 Kings 5:1-19a...Amy Abshire

Special Music...Louise Cook and Tim Cook / “He Saw It All,” vignette of Jerusalem, A.D. 30, by Daryl Mosley

Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations
Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer...Pastor Charles

Second Lesson: 2 Kings:19b-27...Pastor Charles
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon...Pastor Charles / “Don’t annoy the prophet (like Gehazi did)”

*Hymn...“Precious Name” (UMH #536)

*Words for the Journey...Pastor Charles

Postlude...Louise Cook / “God Be with You till We Meet Again” UMH #672, v. 1

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Scholar puts spotlight on capitalism and Christ

Looking for an event last April at Vanderbilt Divinity School, a reporter mistakenly wandered into Vanderbilt’s nearby Owen Graduate School of Management.

Little did the business students know when they politely directed the reporter to the nearby divinity school, the discussion that night would be in part about the possibilities of a “post-capitalist society.”

“There’s a famous joke that says Christians talk about sexuality so much because they don’t want to talk about politics,” said Joerg Rieger, founding director of the Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice at the divinity school, during a June 13 Zoom event about his book “Jesus vs. Caesar: For People Tired of Serving the Wrong God.”

“There’s certainly some truth to that, right?” added Rieger, a prominent Christian scholar and United Methodist. “But I would expand that joke and say Christians do not talk about politics so much because we don't want to talk about the economy.”

The Wendland-Cook program is focused “on issues of justice that arise at the intersection of religion, economics and ecology,” according to its website.

Read more at this link.

Come and worship!

Join us Sunday for worship at 10:15 a.m. in person or online here
Preview Sunday's bulletin here

Tim Cook will proved the special music.

Friday, July 26, 2024

UMCOR responds to Typhoon Gaemi

Typhoon Gaemi has caused severe damage across the Philippines, Taiwan and China. Join us in prayer for all the affected communities and first responders.

In Manila, there are currently more than 35,000 people in evacuation centers due to severe flooding. Additionally, an oil spill in Manila Bay caused by a sunken tanker threatens the environment. UMCOR is in communication with disaster response coordinators to provide grants to the affected areas.
To offer your support for this and other disasters, give to UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery: https://bit.ly/45PgKPk

UMC Bishops: “We aim to become a more agile and efficient church”

Washington, D.C. (July 22, 2024) – During the 2024 Jurisdictional Conferences, reports were shared about the collaborative work that took place between the Colleges of Bishops, Committees on Episcopacy and the Interjurisdictional Committee on the Episcopacy. This collaboration resulted in the formation of new episcopal areas and the assignment of innovative and expanded episcopal duties.

We are grateful for each of these respective entities’ discernment and recommendations and for their commitment to serving the missional needs of each conference and jurisdiction.

The General Conference’s decision to reduce the number of active bishops from 39 to 32 in the United States presented challenges regarding how bishops would be deployed to conferences and episcopal areas. The challenges also opened opportunities to rethink the role of the episcopacy and provide leadership in new and exciting ways.

As bishops of The United Methodist Church, we will continue our unwavering commitment to providing vital spiritual and temporal leadership as we faithfully and fruitfully steward the Church’s mission. We aim to become a more agile and efficient church, enable greater innovation and experimentation, foster a more empowered and engaged lay and clergy, and maintain our focus on our core mission to make disciple of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Starting September 1, most US bishops will serve multiple annual conferences and remain attentive to the missional needs and opportunities of each conference and episcopal area. Additionally, two bishops will serve across Jurisdictional lines – one bishop from the Southeast Jurisdiction will also serve a conference in the Northeastern Jurisdiction and one bishop in the Western Jurisdiction will also serve a conference in the South Central Jurisdiction. This is a first in The United Methodist Church! Click here to see the bishops’ assignment in the U.S.

We welcome two newly elected bishops to the Council, Bishop Kristin Stoneking and Bishop Sandra Olewine, who were elected in the Western Jurisdiction. Several of the Central Conferences will hold elections for bishops later this year and early next year.

Beloved, despite our challenges, we are on a faith journey together, and God’s grace will keep us united and focused. We hold onto our hope in Jesus Christ, who leads us toward new possibilities.  

In unity and with fervent prayer, we move forward, trusting that the promise of transformation awaits us. We trust God, who has given us a future and a hope, as stated in Jeremiah 29:11: “For surely, I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”

Bishop Tracy S. Malone
President - Council of Bishops
The United Methodist Church

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Take Action: Tell Congress to Choose Grace Over Greed For Spending Bills

The United States Congress has until September 30, 2024, to pass 12 spending bills that will determine the federal budget for fiscal year 2025 – which starts October 1, 2024.

As of today, the House and Senate have approximately one more week until it adjourns for August recess. While the Senate continues its process of reviewing and amending its version of this must-pass legislation, the House has already passed a slate of appropriations bills that propose drastic cuts to social safety programming to increase funds for defense.

As the House and Senate prepare to negotiate each of the 12 spending bills, our advocacy must ensure that the needs and interests of God’s people and God’s good creation are protected.

As United Methodists, our Wesleyan theology affirms that grace is not earned but readily available to all without any requirement or justification. Likewise, John Wesley taught that greed is an impediment to holiness. If we are to employ our Wesleyan heritage and theology within our advocacy efforts, we must ensure that the grace of abundant living is not overshadowed by the greed of power.

Read more at this link.

US sees big changes in bishop assignments

What once seemed impenetrable boundaries on The United Methodist Church’s organizational map now look more like dotted lines.

Unprecedented collaboration among the denomination’s jurisdictional leaders has paved the way for two U.S. bishops to soon lead conferences across jurisdictional borders. Those assignments became official when jurisdictional conferences met July 10-13 across the U.S. 

“I would just say the Holy Spirit was present in all of these experiences and processes, in particular ways and throughout all of the people who are participating,” said the Rev. Kim Ingram. She is the chair of the Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy that led the way in developing the history-making plan for U.S. bishop assignments.

Faced with a substantially reduced denominational budget, the committee worked with bishops and other United Methodist leaders across the U.S. to come up with a plan that would both reduce the number of U.S. bishops while still providing effective episcopal oversight across the U.S. church.

Starting Sept. 1, most U.S. bishops will lead more than one conference — the denomination’s primary regional bodies, which consist of multiple congregations.

Read more at this link.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Ann Abbott Memorial Service

Ann Abbott's memorial service was held this morning at Mountain View Cemetery in Boulder with Pastor Charles officiating the service.

When I am gone, release me – let me go
I have so many things to see and do.
You must not tie yourself to me with tears
Be happy that we had so many years. I gave you love,
you can only guess, how much you gave me in happiness.
I thank you for the love each have shown,
but now it is time I travelled alone.
So grieve awhile for me if grieve you must,
then let your grief be comforted by trust
It is only for a while that we must part
so bless those memories within your heart.
I will not be far away, for life goes on.
so if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you cannot see or touch me, I will be near
And if you listen with your heart, you will hear
All of my love around you, soft and clear.
Then when you must come this way alone,
I will greet you with a smile and “Welcome Home”

- Annoymous

Wednesday with the Wesleys

O blessed grace! Mysterious love! How shall we then adore and praise what we cannot here apprehend aright? How will love and joy work in the soul? But I cannot express it – I cannot conceive it.

~ Susanna Annesley Wesley

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Today in Methodist history

Her tombstone at Bunhill Fields (a cemetery on City Road in London) indicates that Susanna Annesley Wesley died on July 23, 1742.

John Wesley was very close to his her and held her piety and intellect in high regard, saying that she, no less than her grandfather, father, husband, and sons, was a "preacher of righteousness." The figure is a representation of him leaning on her gravestone.

Monday, July 22, 2024

This week @ St. Paul's UMC

9:00 AM, Office Hours

9:00 AM, Office Hours
7:00 PM, Mission u (virtual)
7:00 PM, Trustees (virtual)

9:00 AM, Office Hours
9:00 AM, Wednesday Weeders 
10:00 AM, Zoom Fellowship
11:00 AM, Ann Abbott memorial service

9:00 AM, Office Hours
3:00 PM, Summer Book Group

6:00 AM, BBKC Prayer Time
9:00 AM, Yoga class  

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost:
8:45 AM, Study class
10:15 AM, Worship (Gehazi
11:15 AM, Fellowship
12:30 AM, BBKC 

Scripture lessons for July 28

"Elisha and Gehazi" by Lambert Jacobsz, c. 1630

We bring our look at some of the people found in the pages of the Old Testament to a close this week with a look at Gehazi, the servant of Elisha as found in 2 Kings 5:1-27.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers


+We are thankful to welcome to St. Paul's UMC Hank Troy (piano) & Wende Harston (soloist).

+Jim & Joey Vander Vorste celebrate their daughter's 54th birthday! 

+Sandra Jordan gives thanks for the cooler weather. 

+We give thanks for this week's birthdays: Steve Batch, Joyce Brandon, Scott Glancy, & Marcia Hult. We also give thanks for the anniversary of Larry Esposito and Diane McKnight.

+We give thanks for those participating in today's worship service: Amy Abshire (liturgist), Belinda Alkula (video), Steve Bainbridge (greeter), Tim Cook (class), Etta Levitt (Zoom usher), Kathy Lloyd (Zoom host), and the Fellowship Team (ice cream social).


+Joan Cooper asks for prayers for their son, Eric, who is having health concerns. 

+Steve Matthews asks for prayers for patience as he continues to heal. 

+We lift up in our prayers those impacted by weather-related events including recovery from Hurricane Beryl, wildfires, summer heatwave, and drought. 

+Prayers for the family of Dean Hansen of Winside, Nebraska whose memorial service was held last week. 

+We continue to pray for those in the midst of conflict in Haiti, Yemen, South Sudan, Ukraine & Russia, Gaza & Israel, and wherever else God's people are in distress.

July 21 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements

+Signups are needed for Sunday worship at St. Paul's UMC. Liturgist (reader), flowers, and fellowship host are easy places to serve. Signup sheet is on the greeter's table or contact the church office.

+Virtual Adult Mission u study “Welcome Home” continues each Tuesday in July. Participants can register at any time and attend only some of the sessions. Contact Belinda Alkula if you have questions.

+Graveside services to commemorate the life of Ann Abbott will be conducted at Mountain View Memorial Cemetery in Boulder on Wednesday, July 24, at 11:00 a.m. Ann’s ashes will be placed with her husband’s.

+A free virtual book discussion with author Susan Mettes, sponsored by National Office of United Women in Faith, will be hosted via Zoom on August 6, 2024, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Susan’s book is The Loneliness Epidemic: Why So Many of Us Feel Alone and How Leaders Can Respond. Pre-reading of the book is not required, but it will enrich your experience of the author’s talk. Registration is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The registration link will be in Tuesday’s News You Can Use email. Questions? Contact Belinda Alkula.

July 21 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

Hank Troy (piano) & Wende Harston

Ice cream for fellowship!

Smiles all around!

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
(link to today's worship service)

Today’s Meditation Verse: “Some people trust in chariots, others in horses; but we praise the Lord’s name.” —Psalm 20:7

Welcome...Pastor Charles

Prelude...Hank Troy

*Call to Worship...Amy Abshire
Leader: Strength is commanding the wind and sea to obey;
People: Strength is wielding a slingshot in the face of a raging giant.
Leader: Strength is accepting vulnerability from inside the boat;
People: Strength is standing in solidarity with the powerless.
Leader: Strength is turning a cheek; strength is loving an enemy.
People: We come to worship a God who redefines our vision of strength.
—written by Katherine Hawker, 1997 posted on Liturgy Outside

*Hymn...“The Church’s One Foundation” (UMH #546)

Litany of Confession (Psalm 51 & Psalm 103)...Amy Abshire

Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins.
Our God is merciful and gracious, slow to get angry,
and full of unfailing love.
Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin. For I recognize my shameful deeds—they haunt me day and night.
God will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever.
Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight. You will be proved right in what you say, and your judgment against me is just.
God has not punished us for all our sins, nor does he deal with us as we deserve. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
I was born a sinner—from the moment my mother conceived me.
God is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he understands how weak we are; he remembers that we are only dust.
You desire honesty from the heart; teach me to be wise in my inmost being.
For our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. The wind blows, and we are gone—as though we had never been here.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and make me willing to obey you.
For the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children’s children of those who are faithful to his covenant, those who obey his commandments.
The sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
Our God is merciful and gracious. Bless the Lord, O my soul.
—Christine Longhurst, re:Worship

First Lesson: 2 Samuel 11:1-4a, 12:16-24a...Amy Abshire

Special Music...Hank Troy and Wende Harston

Community prayer requests, concerns, and celebrations
Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer...Pastor Charles

Second Lesson: 1 Kings 1:28-37...Pastor Charles
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon...Pastor Charles / “Bathsheba’s question”

*Hymn...“Lead On, O King Eternal” (UMH #580)

*Words for the Journey...Pastor Charles

Postlude...Hank Troy and Wende Harston