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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Litany for Independence Day

As we remember the birth of our nation, and the gifts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, let us offer our thanks and prayers to God, the giver of all good gifts.
For the brave women and men who braved the long journey by sea to come to this new world,
We thank You Lord.
For the tribes and nations who inhabited this land for generation upon generation,
We thank You Lord.
For patriots who dreamed of, and fought for, a free nation,
We thank You Lord.
For the men and women who laid the foundation of our democracy, and who pledged liberty and justice for all,
We thank You Lord.
For those who built this country brick by brick, road by road, and town by town,
We thank You Lord.
For the brave soldiers who have fought for our country, for all who paid for our freedom by their service, and those who paid by their sacrifice,
We thank You Lord.
For the innovators and artists, poets and teachers, farmers and factory workers; for all who labor and provide for the common good,
We thank You, Lord.
For this land, with its peaks and valleys, coasts and deserts, fields and meadows,
We thank You, Lord.
For our own community, for those who came before us in this place, and for our neighbors near and far,
We thank You Lord.
Lord, we pray for The United States, that we might always be a nation which defends and promotes liberty and freedom, truth and justice.
We thank You Lord.
That we might always be a nation where all are free to worship and pray,
We thank You Lord.
That we might be a beacon of freedom to all those who live under the shadow of terror and hopelessness,
We thank You Lord.
That those who are elected to govern and lead would be guided by You, and be ever aware of the trust that has been given them,
We pray to You Lord.
That we would be a people who repent from our sins, and who always return to You and to Your grace,
We pray to You Lord.
Gracious God, Father of all nations, bless and defend us and our land; prosper the work of our hands, and increase in us Your grace and compassion, and our offerings of thanks to You, our rock and our salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

~ written by Rick Morley and posted on http://www.rickmorley.com

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