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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Take Action: Tell Congress to Choose Grace Over Greed For Spending Bills

The United States Congress has until September 30, 2024, to pass 12 spending bills that will determine the federal budget for fiscal year 2025 – which starts October 1, 2024.

As of today, the House and Senate have approximately one more week until it adjourns for August recess. While the Senate continues its process of reviewing and amending its version of this must-pass legislation, the House has already passed a slate of appropriations bills that propose drastic cuts to social safety programming to increase funds for defense.

As the House and Senate prepare to negotiate each of the 12 spending bills, our advocacy must ensure that the needs and interests of God’s people and God’s good creation are protected.

As United Methodists, our Wesleyan theology affirms that grace is not earned but readily available to all without any requirement or justification. Likewise, John Wesley taught that greed is an impediment to holiness. If we are to employ our Wesleyan heritage and theology within our advocacy efforts, we must ensure that the grace of abundant living is not overshadowed by the greed of power.

Read more at this link.

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