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Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28 @ St. Paul's UMC: Announcements


+Signups are needed for Sunday worship at St. Paul's UMC. Liturgist (reader), flowers, and fellowship host are easy places to serve. Signup sheet is on the greeter's table or contact the church office.

+Ladies Lunch Bunch will meet on Thursday, August 1, at 11:45 a.m. at Old Santa Fe Mexican Grille (592 S. McCaslin Blvd, Louisville). Please R.S.V.P. by noon on Wednesday, July 31, to Kathy Lloyd.

+A free virtual book discussion with author Susan Mettes, sponsored by National Office of United Women in Faith, will be hosted via Zoom on August 6, 2024, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Susan’s book is The Loneliness Epidemic: Why So Many of Us Feel Alone and How Leaders Can Respond. Pre-reading of the book is not required, but it will enrich your experience of the author’s talk. Registration is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The registration link will be in Tuesday’s News You Can Use email. Questions? Contact Belinda Alkula.

+Donations are needed to stock Knights Closet for the start of school year. Rupali Hofmann, Fairview High School’s Student Support Services Community Liaison, requested the following items: 

Body wash - Canned soup (not chili, tomato soup, or clam chowder) - Crackers -Goldfish crackers - Granola bars - Microwavable white rice - Nuts - Pop Tarts -Pretzel packs - Protein bars - Ramen Noodles - Rice - String cheese (will be kept in staff fridge) - Trail mix.

Please bring donations to the church by August 11. Questions may be directed to Sandy Bainbridge or Belinda Alkula. A food drive for EFAA will follow in September. Meanwhile, any donation made to EFAA before August 31 will be matched—for example, $100 becomes $200. See Judy Waller for more information.

+The Mountain Sky Conference will be welcoming the Rev. Dr. Joey Shelton, who will be presenting on "Christian Nationalism through the Wesleyan Lens." This webinar will kick off a virtual multiweek study and resources bank. More details are forthcoming about the guest speaker, the content, and study to follow. Please Save the Date: late afternoon of Sunday, August 25th.

+Join the Mountain Sky Conference on a spiritual journey to and through Montgomery and Selma, Alabama in January 2025. The cost of registration will be $350 dollars, plus the cost of travel and lodging. If you have any questions, please contact the Rev. Bich Thy (Betty) Nguyen. There will be some scholarships available. 

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