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Saturday, July 13, 2024

A prayer in response to shooting at Trump rally

Bishop Karen offers this prayer in response to the shooting at the Trump rally:

God of grace and God of glory, we turn to you as violence has erupted in our country, injuring former President Trump, killing two people, injuring others, and adding trauma to a fractured nation. We pray for full healing for our former President. We pray, too, for all those who are in harm's way due to any kind of violence.

Jesus said, “Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” In all things, may violent rhetoric and actions be laid down like swords so that our words and behaviors build up community and restore wholeness. May our anger turn into bridges of understanding. May we be a people who in all things work to mend the brokenness around us. May we seek rebuilding of your peaceable kin-dom.
We pray this in the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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