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Friday, August 16, 2024

A message from Heyji

Hope you all and St.Paul families are doing well!

Our road trip to NY was good. We were nervous since Hajin never did LONG road trips before but I think Hajin did the best out of all of us! 

On our way to NY met some of our former church members in Cincinnati and we stayed at my in laws in MD for a week. Hajin went to the ocean for the first time and oh my goodness she loved it.

Erick is really enjoying his new job and I am still looking for a job. Hajin is staying at home with me until we find a daycare for her. We miss Colorado! But we are slowly getting used to the new life. I’ve been the victim of mosquitoes which has been not fun at all ðŸ˜‚

Also, we can not say enough how much we appreciated St.Paul family’s love and gift for us. It helped us a lot and we really appreciate it. I will keep you posted when I plan to go back to Boulder for my recital sometime next year! God bless and love you all! 

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