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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

DC church wrestles with FBI connection

When one thinks about Jesus, longtime FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover is unlikely to be the next thought. And vice versa.

But that association does frequently come up at Capitol Hill United Methodist Church in Washington. There’s a huge, beautiful stained-glass window of Jesus in the sanctuary. A plaque nearby dedicates the window to Hoover, who headed the FBI and its predecessor agency from 1924 until his death in 1972. The church parking lot sits on the property where Hoover was born and lived for many years.

Yes, the same Hoover who tried to blackmail the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and insisted for years the mafia didn’t exist. The same Hoover who allegedly possessed files of embarrassing photos and reports of government officials and other victims as insurance to keep him in his position.

Read more at this link.

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