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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Webinar: Understanding Christian Nationalism

The Mountain Sky Conference welcomes the Rev. Dr. Joey Shelton as he presents "Understanding Christian Nationalism." During his presentation, we will explore questions such as: Why does it matter? What's the goal? Says who? As people of faith, we have responsibilities within our faith community AND the public square. It is our hope that this webinar will be educational and helpful to you as you engage with your faith community and community at large. 

Please join this virtual presentation on Sunday, August 25th at 4:30 pm MT. Please register to receive the Zoom link here

Dr. Shelton is a retired elder of the Mississippi United Methodist Conference. His professional experience includes 10 years of law practice, 9 years in Higher Education, and 17 years as pastor of rural and urban UM churches. A native Mississippian, Joey has 2 adult daughters and lives with his wife in North Carolina. His latest appointment was Dean of the Chapel and Director of Church Relations and the Center for Ministry at Millsaps College, Jackson, MS where he taught courses in Wesleyan history and theology with emphasis on race and Christian nationalism. His areas of interest include Dementia Care, Christian Nationalism, and Racial Healing for which he leads workshops in ecumenical, academic, and secular settings.

If you have any questions, please contact the Rev. Bich Thy (Betty) Nguyen.

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