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Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11 @ St. Paul's UMC: Worship

Donations for Knights Closet / flowers from the Coopers

Rebecca (soloist) & Lorie (piano) offer the anthem
Judy is today's hostess

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Today’s Meditation Verse: “I hope, Lord. My whole being hopes, and I wait for God’s promise.”  —Psalm 130:5

Welcome...Pastor Charles

Prelude...Lorie Courier / “Amazing Grace,” arranged by Jack Schrader

*Call to Worship...Claudia Mills
Leader: Healing God, we come together in our brokenness, to call to You in Your mercy, to make us whole again.
People: Wholeness–giving God, listen to our prayers, we pray.
Leader: Restoring God, we gather to worship You, even as we hopefully seek to be renewed and restored again.
People: God, our Quiet-Center, listen to our prayers this day.
Leader: Foundational God, we come to praise and thank you! In the depths of Your Holy Being we find peace and rest.
People: God, our Beginning and our End, we hope always in you. Amen.
—© 2012 Joan Stott, “The Timeless Psalm” RCL Psalm Year B, used with permission

*Hymn...“Morning Has Broken” (UMH #145)

Litany of Praise...Claudia Mills

L: Praise God with your whole being!
P: I will praise God as long as I live!
L: Don’t trust the plans of humanity. Only God’s expansive love is eternal.
P: Praise God!
L: We praise the creator, the God of Jacob, the one who straightens the bent, who loves the hungry and poor.
P: Praise God!
L: We are here to praise our God, who protects the immigrant, who helps the orphan and widow.
P: Praise God!
L: Praise the creator whose love flows from generation to generation until all is as God dreams it can be.
P: Praise God!
—by Tim Graves, posted on LiturgyBits

First Lesson: Acts 25:23-27, 26:1...Claudia Mills

Special Music...Rebecca Glancy and Lorie Courier / “Old Time Religion Medley,” arranged by Mark Hayes

Community prayer concerns and celebrations
Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer...Pastor Charles

Second Lesson: Acts 26:2-3, 24-29...Pastor Charles
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon...Pastor Charles / “Almost doesn’t count”

*Hymn...“Lord, I Want to Be a Christian” (UMH #402)

*Words for the Journey...Pastor Charles

*Response...“God Be With You Till We Meet Again” v. 1 and chorus (UMH #672)

Postlude...Lorie Courier / “Praise Him! Praise Him!” arranged by Mark Hayes

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