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Sunday, August 4, 2024

August 4 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers


+Rebecca Glancy gives thanks for the upcoming reboot of the community yoga class at St. Paul's.

+Judy Waller is thankful that the task of shifting choir music has been completed with the assistance of Mawce Glancy.

+Belinda Alkula gives thanks that her involvement in Mission u has been wrapped up! 

+Steve Bainbridge gives thanks for the visit with grandchildren last week and for the assistance the two-year old offered in taking out the trash. 

+We give thanks for this week's birthdays: Amy Abshire, Sabrina Bishop, Tim Cook, Ron Polacek, and Kelly Smoot. We celebrate this week's anniversaries: Bob & Melanie Muckle and Frank & Katherine Richardson.

+We give thanks for those participating in today's worship service: Belinda Alkula (video), Steve Bainbridge (greeter), Lylah Bishop (acolyte), Tim Cook (class), Dave (clarinet) Marcia Green (piano), Etta Levitt (Zoom usher), Kathy Lloyd (Zoom host), Claudia Mills (liturgist / fellowship), and Joey Vander Vorste (communion).


+We join with many others in praying for those impacted by the fires along the Front Range including those fighting these fires. 

+Louise Cook asks for prayers for her son's niece who is having surgery today.

+The Coopers lift up their daughter, Diane, who is facing surgery.

+We continue to pray for those in the midst of conflict in Haiti, Yemen, South Sudan, Ukraine & Russia, Gaza & Israel, and wherever else God's people are in distress.

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