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Friday, August 9, 2024

A new day in The UMC: From exclusion to embrace

In contemporary communities, the church is changing, growing into the needs of their contexts and responding with grace. As with any organization, there are cycles that only change when there is courage and curiosity to try something new. 

In 2001, The United Methodist Church (UMC) adopted the slogan, “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors,” a commitment many hoped would reflect a truly inclusive and welcoming spirit. Laura McLean (she/her), of the Holston Conference, expresses optimism that the church’s new stance will “tell the world that we are finally living into [it].” 

Andromeda Woodworth (she/they), a white trans fem nonbinary queer ordained elder from North Georgia notes that, while The UMC’s recent changes are positive, there is still much “listening, learning and healing to do.” To move forward we must understand our church history, be honest about where we are now and explore where we are going with intention and authenticity.

Read more at this link.

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