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Thursday, September 12, 2024

GCORR Condemns False Claims Against Migrants, Calls for Action Against Racism and Xenophobia

Recently, harmful and unfounded accusations have been made against Haitian migrants in Ohio. Such baseless claims perpetuate harmful stereotypes that fuel racism and xenophobia.

As people of faith, we must reject narratives that dehumanize and scapegoat others. These divisive words breed fear and distrust, moving us further away from the Beloved Community we are called to build. We must actively work towards becoming more antiracist, challenging not only misinformation but also the racist stereotypes that have long harmed Black and brown immigrants. 

Let us remember that every person is made in the image of God, and we are all part of one human family. It is our shared responsibility to stand against racism and xenophobia in all its forms. 

Visit this link to read the Book of Resolutions: Welcoming the Migrant to the U.S. The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church - 2016.

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