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Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers


+Thank God for a fun Ladies Lunch Bunch gathering last Thursday! Sally Owen hosted a wonderful gathering! 

+Thank God for the Bainbridge’s wonderful idea to host a Labor Day Weekend Garage Sale – proceeds to benefit Fairview High School’s students. 

+Pastor Charles is thankful that branches cut at the church were able to be shared with someone in the neighborhood.

+Thanks be to God for the choir being back, ready to share wonderful, inspiring musical offerings! 

+We give thanks for the Fellowship Team for hosting our after-worship fellowship time.

+We give thanks for this week's birthday: Angela Baker

+We give thanks for those participating in today: Amy Abshire (liturgist), Belinda Alkula (video), Steve Bainbridge (greeter), Angela Baker (communion), Tim Cook (class), Lorie Courier (piano), Etta Levitt (Zoom usher), Kathy Lloyd (Zoom host), Suzanne Polacek (bells), Ron Revier (choir), and Bren Smith (flowers).


+Etta Levitt. shared that her daughter, Jodi, would like prayers for her friend Jill's mom, Joan, who has a very serious heart issue. Prayers for strength and courage for Joan, her family and friends during this uncertain time.  

+The Coopers ask for prayers for their son-in-law, Eric, who is facing surgery, for their friend, Barb, who had a heart attack, friend Barb who has upcoming surgery, and for Austin's treatments. 

+Rebecca asks for prayers for Louisa, a former exchange student, who is back in Boulder @ CU. Louisa's grandfather in Brazil passed recently. 

+We continue to pray for those in the midst of conflict in Haiti, Yemen, South Sudan, eastern Congo, Ukraine & Russia, Gaza & Israel, and wherever else God's people are in distress.

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