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Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 15 @ St. Paul's UMC: Prayers


+We celebrated our final breakfast fellowship at Le Peep yesterday (Le Peep is closing at the end of the month).

+Myrle Myers gives thanks for the love and support she has recieved since her brother Jerry's death. 

+Angela Baker is thankful for the love of this congregation over the years as she moves to Nashville this week. 

+We give thanks for this week's birthdays: Lisa Berlin, Jessie Muckle, Pat Muckle, & Christopher Wahl. We celebrate the anniversary of Christina & Nick Pulaski.

+We give thanks for those participating in today: Amy Abshire (liturgist), Belinda Alkula (video), Tim Cook (class), Kyle Dacon (piano), Etta Levitt (Zoom usher), Kathy Lloyd (Zoom host), Jim & Joey Vander Vorste (fellowship & flowers).


+We lift up in our prayers Louise Cook following the death of her sister, Marjorie.

+We send our prayers with Angela Baker as she leaves us for Tennessee. 

+We offer prayer for safe travel to Austin & Joan Cooper as they travel on Tuesday for a family wedding.

+Rebecca Glancy asked for prayers for Jovanka Jones and the Saturday morning Chair Yoga ministry.  

+We continue to pray for those in the midst of conflict in Ukraine & Russia, Gaza & Israel, and wherever else God's people are in distress.

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