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Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 15 @ St. Paul's UMC: Annoucements

+St. Paul’s fall food drive for EFAA continues through Sunday, September 29. The most recent list of their top needs can be found at this link.  

+Mountain View United Women in Faith are hosting their fall salad potluck luncheon on Wednesday, September 18, at 11:15 a.m. Guests will gather in Barker    Hall, 355 Ponca Pl., Boulder. Dorje Dolma, the author of Yak Girl, will share a presentation about her homeland. UWF also will collect a love gift offering for a mission project in Kathmandu, Nepal, that provides trauma counseling for domestic violence victims and economic development projects for women. 

+Climate Change, Displacement, & Conflict: Migrants Speak Sep 18 @ 1:00 PM. This webinar will explore the human impact of climate change, environmental degradation, and inadequate environmental protections on conflict and mobility, centering the voices of those most affected. Environmental defenders, indigenous groups, and frontline communities share their stories and struggles, exposing the intersections of extractive industries, displacement, and the climate crisis. Click on this link to register.

+Sew What will meet on Friday, September 20, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Pat Cleaveland’s home. Please R.S.V.P. by TODAY to Pat via email or phone call (patcleaveland@msn.com / 303-642-3338). Note: If you wish to carpool or follow along in a personal vehicle, please plan to depart from the church parking lot at 9:15 a.m. Pat’s driveway is rough, so low sports cars may be a challenge. Pat will provide lunch (folks with special diets might want to take preferred food/drinks).

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